Well, here are the final 6 people, picked from the players that were voted best rifle, the two best voted field ops, and the three best voted medics. Although this method of selecting the main 6 is questionable, as choosing 3 players from the core of two different teams may provide more teamplay (team finland for example), this is what the final results provided, based on individual performance.

United Kingdom
Dream team: Mztik, razz, Ste, sqzz, Sheep, hentai.
Previous Season: Ste, Marvel, Baggiez, fazz, adzz, ngotie.

Dream Team: ohzor4, senji, butchji, biqq, urtier, evil.
Previous season: ohzor4, snoop, butchji, hatred, conan, keran.

Dream Team: Xpaz, mikza, lepari, torspo, squall, Raveneye.
Previous season: Squall, Iron, Lepari, twidi, lettu, mikza.

Dream Team: mAus, acid, Shewie, snot, david, lio.
Previous Season: mAus, Shewie, lio, mAx, zeto, mesqi.

Dream Team: Bull, perfo, licid, tekoa, mize, milk.
Previous season: milk, bull, licid, joop, perfo, kris.

Dream Team: Night, r3vers, Nitro, reload, pela, asd
Previous Season: asd, indu, bff, T6nis, pela, DeadMeat

Dream Team: Robol, chester, r1co, gotti, kot, Wrobel.
Previous Season: Robol, Wrobel, kot, gotti, r1co, wiesiek.