With all the controversy over the upcoming multiplayer, and what aspects of the demo will apply to it, I opened the IWD files myself to have a look. What I found was quite interesting, the mp weapon information was included, and it infact was different to the single player weapon info.

I replaced some of the single player gun files with the multiplayer versions, to find out what the recoil was like. I then recorded the result in fraps, and uploaded it to the following links. Excuse the quality of the first movie, the flash made the screen pixelate. Use the megaupload link at the bottom for a higher quality recording



Decide for yourself if the multiplayer does infact have more recoil, or whether it is just the same

*edit* People asked for a howto, and I cant add a second page

How to:

1) Open "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Demo\main"
2) Open iw_02.iwd with a winrar
3) Go to weapons
4) Copy any you want from 'mp' to 'sp', removing the _mp extension from the gun:
1) delete iw_02.iwd\weapons\sp\ak47
2) copy iw_02.iwd\weapons\mp\ak47_mp to iw_02.iwd\weapons\sp\ak47