What’s Team Fortress Classic I hear you cry? Here’s a little history of the game, going all the way back to its grass roots. Way back in the dizzy heights of 1998, a legend of a game was brewing. I myself was at the tender age of 12 and had only experienced such games as Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo and Dick Dangerous on my uncle’s Atari ST. Suddenly, a game called “Half-Life” was released. For me, I had seen nothing like this before. A game that had a story so in-depth, I could hardly be dragged away from my PC. Soon after, Team Fortress Classic was released. Originally, the game was designed as a mod for Quake which was later developed into a mod for Half-Life and eventually became a stand-alone game which could be played through Steam. Playing for an hour a night on my 56K modem, I had the most enjoyment out of a computer game, even to this date. The game lasted a few years but sadly, with a lot of other games at the time, it was shadowed but the ever dominant Counter Strike.

Way back in 1999, Team Fortress 2 was announced to be in development, with a community longing for something to try and take an inch of the spotlight away from Counter Strike. Ironically enough, the game was in development for 8/9 years (Much to the joy of people like me ¬_¬) and strangely enough, doesn’t size up to the heavy-weight contenders such as Quake Wars or the imminent release of CoD4 or does it?