image: e7nxnt

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]NetherlandsPds is hated because every time you play against him, he is the guy getting over 45% accuracy and over 20% headshot accuracy, many top players and ex-cheaters claim that his aim is humanized and his knowledge of where his enemies are in-game is incredible. He's busted by around 2006 and England Mztik himself posted a number of .avi's to prove he is cheating, and on top of this pds's ego doesn't help his image too much. So whenever you are in-game and you're playing versus Netherlands pds, being almost sure he is cheating, plays with cheaters, gets 45% accuracy, has never been officially banned, and has never been at any CC-Lan even though he lives in The Netherlands makes him the most hated.

Quote by Shkar "pds" DarkDidn't really expect to be chosen, was inactive already before the poll even started, but thanks anyway who voted (¬_¬). My aim has always been like this since 2006, but merely played on any level higher than low/med around that time, was playing for fun with friends and other players. After 8 years of gaming, predicting your enemies position becomes quite easy. I'm not playing any different in RtCW1.4/1.0, and even there some claim I cheat.. I didn't know humanized bots existed in RtCW..
P.S.: Its usually around 52% accuracy, and 23% hs accuracy, just to let you know ;)
Thanks to krosan for letting me know beforehand :P

Netherlands pds
United Kingdom Hype
Poland numeric

Total votes: 1365