About 5 days ago I emailed all the clans wich are in the GD ET cup. I emailed all the admins but as it appears not a lot have read or checked their email so I've decided to make a column and put the gist of the email here again. First of apologies for any lack of information from our side. Due to me being sick for a couple of weeks unblind had to do a lot on his own.

Secondly, all the wars must be played with the Global 6v6 Config and not the GD one.

As third item I wish to inform you, again, that all the wars are set for sundays and wednesdays, but, as you may already know, this does not mean it has to be played on those actual dates. Clans are free to reschedule aslong as it stays within the same week.

Wich brings me to the fourth and most important point of this column. We can only enter scores for wars that are actually set on our site. What this means is that you have to challenge the opposing clan for the ET cup (pretty much like Clanbase Hosted Cups). Here is how you do that:

The leader goes to his Clan Management. This can be done by clicking on Management. Where can u find Management. Well thats simple click on this link to find the Groups overview:

Groups overview

On the bottom of that page you find this:

[ Competitions ] [ Competitors ] [ Management ] [ Join a Team ] [ Create Profile ] [ Demos ]

You click on Management. Then click on Manage next to your clan name. Once you've done that u see this list:

[ Data ] [ Roster ] [ Games ] [ Competitions ]
[ Fixtures ] [ Delete ]

You click on Competitions and you go to your Group, in this case Seven. Next to that you see Challenge. Click on it and you find 3 clans to choose from. Challenge the one you are scheduled to play against. If you are not sure who that is, here is the link to the schedule:

ET Cup Schedule

Once you've clicked on Challenge you select the map sw_goldrush_te and click Add. Then you select the map sp_delivery2 and click Add. Then you select the date on wich you will play (before you schedule the war please set the date with the opposing clan). The opposing clan will accept and after the war you can add the score (or admins can) and its all settled.

To end this incredible long column. I wish to state once again that we urge you to register your players and let them click Join a Team and join their teams. Or register them and let the admin invite them for their team. We've decided its not compulsory to have 6 players registered bút if a team comes into a match conflict and it concerns a player that is not registered, there is nothing we can then do but rule against that clan who has not got all their players registered. Also, just a reminder, all players must record a demo during a match.

Well thats about all folks (more then enough I'd say). Once again our apologies for the inconvenience at some times but we're positive this Cup will be an amazing one so let the games begin! See you on ETTV!

g-man and unblind.

P.S. For any questions, don't hesitate to ask on IRC or by email.