Ok. So they beat us in the football. But you know what? It doesn't matter, and i'll tell you why. 2 nights ago I witnessed one of the most memorable games of ET in my entire life. Forget Eurocup finals. Say goodbye to quakecon. I'm talking major league style here, in a game which had absolutely everything - you name it, it had it.image: flag_portugal

So then, the match in question:

Portugal 6s vs Portugal Legendary Knights

Now before I begin, let me just get one thing straight. The only reason ... well two reasons I was actually watching this game was down to gamestv.org. I had checked out the LK past games in the Portugese League and they seemed alright, and I also knew from playing 6s in a recent drunken mix that they weren't the strongest team in the world. Most importantly, the odds were good. I had just won over 100 euros on the TWK - gosu game, so I had money to spend. With the odds available, I bet 69 on LK, which, if I won, would give me a 178 euro profit. Off I went to watch the game!

Map 1 was supplydepot, LK defending. I was expecting rape considering the gtv odds, but to my amazement, the bunker was still in axis hands after 2 minutes, with some nice gibs going in. By now I could see the colour of my money! 6s only managed to get past the gate with 12 mins left, and LK steadily defended all the stages, with about 7 mins to go after losing the depot gate. So all LK had to do now was defend 1 or 2 attacks, and they got a fullhold. But before I could even change my view, some sneaky 6s engineer had built those controls right away, and the truck was moving too! Blow me I thought, and although the truck came home at a time of just over 9 mins, I knew LK should have done better.
Round 2 and under a minute had passed when dynamite was planted at the bunker gate, which made me feel one hell of a lot better. But somehow it was defused, and when the engineer was defusing the same scenario 2 minutes later, I got that old sinking feeling. Luckily and praise be to Allah, a rambo panzer came out and saved the day, and with 4 mins to go LK blew the depot gate as well. At around this point, the 6s player Arto disconnected due to his 500 ping, and another player setupji joined. They managed to fullhold LK for the round.

But then. The chat started. And when I say chat, I mean a torrent of text from both teams and the admins. Confused, I wondered what was going on. Were they just angry for losing? Clearly, I had no chance of understanding this Portugese game of handbags, and so I did the only thing a poor scared English bloke could do: appealled for help from the masses of ETTV viewers. Salvation came in the form of 3 people who were fakenicking, which is convenient because I forget their names and so I don't appear ignorant. They explained to me that 6s thought one of LK was cheating, and that LK were complaining about setupji, who was not on the allowed players list. To say this was a dispute would simply not being doing it justice. Picture if you will two drunken ladettes who both believe they are right in an arguement, and a confused barman (the admin) who obviously doesn't really know whats happening to him. This raged on for 20 or so minutes, seriously, it did. And all this while I had my trusty ETTV mates helping me out on the translation side. At one point I saw the words 'red card' being used, which made me feel great because I thought the money I was about to lose was headed back to me. But then, without warning, and nothing having been resolved, the map changed to radar.

So what about my much needed red card? Well by now our lagging matey Arto was back, complete with his trademark 500 ping. But that was really all that changed, with the tug of war simply finding new grounds to stage its tension. Suddenly, the map changed to goldrush. This was confusing enough, seeing as the maps to be played were supply (just done) and radar. I was just about finished recovering from the stress of it all when the map again changed....to....supplydepot! Cries of '?' and 'lolol' went up, and yet again I had to turn to ETTV to lend some explanation. They didn't know, but then the admin said something which made them certainly rofl their pantoffels. They had decided to replay the whole 2nd round of supply, which gave LK another chance to win, AND play it 5v6 in the favour of LK. Well you can imagine I was pretty pleased at this! But they still managed to lose, I still don't know how :(

So back we went to radar, and still 5v6. And when LK set a time of 3mins on attack, I felt sure the tides were changing. But before they could play the second round, it emerged that some joker had spread around the server IP and pass, and had got 4 or so people onto the server to let loose with their spambinds. One guy even joined a team, but the game had been paused 2 seconds before. The admins didn't know you could lock the teams apparently ^.^ . 6s got lucky with a covert on their attack, and grabbed the West parts pretty quick. But the East wasn't so easy, despite the lack of defense. LK managed to drop the objective carrier on the radar hill once, but second time he grabbed and looked to be heading to the CP way to take the obj, so LK headed to the main entrance to wait for them. The other 4 6s players were there (remember this is 5v6), and they did some firefighting or something like that. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of green light streaking past the fake radar, and to my absolute horror, I saw that none of the LK players had spotted him, He jumped down, and began to run past 4 LK players, who saw him so late it was unbelieveable. Their aiming wasn't very good and the bugger managed to get the 2nd set of parts secure, losing me all of 100euros.

I will never forget this game, but if you never see it, you won't understand the reasons I spent the early hours of Saturday morning writing this whilst semi-concious. Shame on you if thats you. And if you saw the game, you truely are lucky.