So who do we have today? None other than yours truly, Latvia Clown. Well known for playing with teams such as Europe aMenti, Latvia Team Latvia, and even for his time with Europe Eastern Europe. So here we are, i present to you, the man behind the clown shoes!

United Kingdom hentai: Okay, first of all, i'd like to say good evening! Would you like to introduce yourselves to those who don't know you already?

Latvia Clown: Good evening, my name is Janis and I play under alias Clown, I come from a small country called Latvia.

United Kingdom hentai: How long have you been playing ET? Were you also an RTCW player?

Latvia Clown: I've played ET since june 2004, I didnt play RtCW, i tried it once before ET with 28k modem, which didnt work so well :P ET is basicly my first serious PC game.

United Kingdom hentai: So what was it that brought you to ET?

Latvia Clown: When I got my DSL connection, i wanted to try a multiplayer game, first i thought ill get cs, since i played it once or twice on LAN at school during recess. But i couldnt find a place to buy it, nor i wanted to. So I just searched for a free online FPS shooter, and I found ET :) I really liked it, because of the teamwork stuff you could do, so i started playing publics alot, and i got into my first clan around 20 days later :P

United Kingdom hentai: You obviously moved into competitive gaming very quickly, what kind of clans have you seen yourself in since you started?

Latvia Clown: Not counting some rather fun clans from Malta (yes, Malta, TEH lagland) where i played with around 160 ping for like 3 months, i have been a member of iCarus, Team-Pistols, Latvia Nation Team, Tank 34, Zenith, sE team misery, rewind, helix, vib and finally now aMenti.

United Kingdom hentai: Is there any one of these teams in particular you feel 'attached' to?

Latvia Clown: I would lie if i would say im not attached to my best online friends from vib, which are almost all Team-Latvia players. I probably have played the longest with all of them :)

United Kingdom hentai: Speaking of team-latvia, a completely unexpected performance from the nation this season - What do you think brought this on?

Latvia Clown: It wasnt unexpected for us, we knew we have alot in ourselves, we could have gone for medals this year i think, too bad during these storms lately fuzz lost inet so we had to play with a merc vs Poland since they would not allow reschedule. I think if we would have played with the normal roster we had in our other games, we could have made it close, or probably won them. This is the 3rd season we have got to the play offs, i would say this one has been best.We just had gathered alot of experience and teamwork from other seasons, so this season we could really play well and stand up to our enemies without any doubts :)

United Kingdom hentai: Moving on, we see your name out there far more than we used to. Is there anything in particular that has thrown you up there, to compete with the big boys?

Latvia Clown: It's just the experience i have gathered during these 2 years, and some help from some good players, like mAx, who i have to thank for giving me alot of help with my mental game. But id say, going trough all these clans has helped me understand how different they can be, and what would be the best tactic to fight them :)

United Kingdom hentai: So is Belgium mAx the player who helped you step up in the game, or is there another name you're hiding from us?

Latvia Clown: Yes, mAx as i mentioned, and even though i dont like kris anymore, he pretty much got me into skilled clans, because when i joined his fun clan i was pretty bad and he helped me to step up a bit. I kinda respect him for that even though he acted bad some time ago against me.

United Kingdom hentai: Is there any player in particular that you look forward to playing with?

Latvia Clown: In one team? Nah, when i was lower skilled, i had alot of idols but now.

United Kingdom hentai: So when you were of a lower skill, what kind of players did you look at as an idol then? Were these the players that influenced your playstyle?

Latvia Clown: Only one :) Finland Sanctity, i just LOVED the airstrikes he used to pull off, and his game style has influenced me alot indirrectly, even without trying to play like him, when i look back i can see i do alot of things like he did :)

United Kingdom hentai: So did you get a Poland hardon when you saw the xfire quakecon line up?

Latvia Clown: Actually i was quite excited, even though he doesnt play as good as he used to in mth/dignitas. I was about to go to qcon with kih, but my visa got canceled, and kris came in to replace me. So if he would have gone and my visa wouldnt be canceled, i could have met him and shook his hand atleast xD

United Kingdom hentai: Is there any particular achievements you've been proud of, and any you wish for whilst you continue to play ET?

Latvia Clown: There arent important ones im proud of, but im really happy about Latvia, which i've been leading for 2 seasons now, that we could manage to get into play offs again for the 3rd season in a row! I guess, there aren't any im looking forward to, EC isnt that important in terms of achievments, i would like to win some medals with Latvia in NC in some game. That would mean more to me than an EC medal tbh :P

United Kingdom hentai: What would you say is the best game of ET you've ever played?

Latvia Clown: Switzerland vs Latvia game for sure, never had so much fun/excitement.

Latvia Clown: Switzerland is a very good team to play vs, they beat Germany, and were about to take an easy 1st place in the group, but we stopped them with a nice performance, the 2 spawnrapes in which i both got 10 kills total i will never forget. Especially because of the shouts on ventrilo :)

United Kingdom hentai: Finally, as we come to an end, i'd like to ask a few short questions:

United Kingdom hentai: Favourite team ever?
Latvia Clown: infensus i guess :P
United Kingdom hentai: Favourite fragmovie?
Latvia Clown: fuzzfrags!
United Kingdom hentai: Favourite console game?
Latvia Clown: Gran turismo
United Kingdom hentai: Favourite song?
Latvia Clown: Machine Head - Imperium i would say :D
United Kingdom hentai: favourite food?
Latvia Clown: pizza

United Kingdom hentai: Okay, and as we come to an end, i'd like to thank you for the interview. Any shoutouts?

Latvia Clown: To david & marv my 3on3 buddies :D

Note: Originally from the team vae page - - articles