ipod jailbreak?

ok how to jailbreak that piece of shit, downloaded blackra1n but that .exe doesnt start

worked for amway as promoter and won an ipod touch without paying 1cent

#baserace.et /q jago`

brb shower, would be nice if someone could tell me <3
reboot your pc
don't open itunes
disable: bonjourservice.exe & mdnsresponder.exe ituneshelper.exe (names might be a little different but normally not)
put your ipod into your pc
open blacktrain and click "run"

I hope you didn't upgrade your ipod to 3.1.3 cause then you won't be able to jailbreak it with blackrain afaik
you need to download blackra1n fix if you have the latest itunes (just google blackra1n fix) and the exe should work (also itunes has to be installed for it to work)
amway promoter , isnt that like organizing tupperware parties just with amway product (which are totally shit) ?
yep its smth like this but u can actually sell everything u can imagine lol and get money every month etc. ive sold so much shit that i won an ipod^^ + im getting money every month
you cant jaikbreaker iphone with the lastest version.
just spend some euros on useless stuff instead of fuckin around with jailbreaking, fuck you
you can get funny stuff without jailbreaking it.
if there is version 3.1.3 on your ipod, your cant jailbreak it afaik.
And you cant downgrade.
bist duj beschissen im hirn
halt die fresse du spastiker, hurenkind
buy a media player which doesn't need to be hacked for optimal use
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