ipod jailbreak?
15 May 2010, 21:56
ok how to jailbreak that piece of shit, downloaded blackra1n but that .exe doesnt start
worked for amway as promoter and won an ipod touch without paying 1cent
#baserace.et /q jago`
brb shower, would be nice if someone could tell me <3
worked for amway as promoter and won an ipod touch without paying 1cent
#baserace.et /q jago`
brb shower, would be nice if someone could tell me <3
don't open itunes
disable: bonjourservice.exe & mdnsresponder.exe ituneshelper.exe (names might be a little different but normally not)
put your ipod into your pc
open blacktrain and click "run"
I hope you didn't upgrade your ipod to 3.1.3 cause then you won't be able to jailbreak it with blackrain afaik
Hope that helps :}
if there is version 3.1.3 on your ipod, your cant jailbreak it afaik.
And you cant downgrade.