jews man

Fucking retarded jews. Making illegal blockage and forcing their opinion on Gaza.

Isrealeans should just gtfo from gaza and stop being such terrorists that even first aid cant get trough
Agree 100%.
They should help each other instead of fighting. One could explain the perfect situation with this picture. A whiteman helping a weaker guy in the society, a nigger(or jew in your example):

image: bjqqmka7orcv3q7kf
thats the best picture ive ever seen
Better than this one?

image: jessica-alba-bikini-07

I've got bad news for you...
Ok. best animal picture ive ever seen.
jews sell their asses for just a quid, cheap ass faggots.
So innocent and naive.
QuoteMaking illegal blockage and forcing their opinion on Gaza.

Funny thing is, that this is our territory, whicn makes it legal. at least by me.

Don't be shy and send the rest of your argues to [email protected]
international waters ?
Israel's territorial water*
not even your land
Just because it might be your territory it does not give you the right to avoid first aid and such getting to people that need it. That's so 1800.
Tell me if I'm wrong, but all these "first aid" stuff included guns and explosives.

Great way to save lives, pal.
I don't care, still, I said not letting first aid, food and such come to the people that need it is retarded, but then again you're a jew you won't understand.
Well of corse my attitude will be for my country's side, but as you just said, you don't really care, you don't know few importent facts - So I don't think you have the right to criticize what we're doing.
You're influenced by your nazi media so you're not the one to speak I guess. Who else would have the right to say what you're doing wrong if not an unbiased person?
Not gonna spend time reading one soldier's thoughts, who might influcended by personal ideas and stuff.

Looking at the global picture. I can find arabs that support Israel as well.

Don't try to be some kind of smartass
and you're not influenced by your jewish media? I want to believe.
Well I'm not really following the media. but I did follow the the facts. tell me when I'm saying someting wrong

- Ship with "aids" and stuff came from turkey
- They wanted to get into our territorial water, we didn't agree. I'm not the calls maker so I can't say why, but we had the right to disagree.
- The ship came into the territorial water, we warned them that we'll attack unless they'll fall back.
- They didn't fall back, we attacked.
- We found on the boat weapons and stuff which OBVIOUSLY meant to be used against the Israeli nation.

So far, I can't see what we were doing wrong.
We might didn't agree they'll get to gaza since we were afraid that they'll give them weapons, and guess what, we were right.

You can keep arguing with me over here, and you might have some correct poings in your arguemtn as well.

But I'm just letting the facts speak for themselves, the ship supplied weapons. And my nation has zero tolerance for that.
Where did you get your "facts" from?
From your international news.
I want to believe.
I don't care if you've the right or not, avoiding first aid from being delivered to people who need it is not acceptable, doesn't matter what rights you have.
The aid was delivered(not since the Hamas declines it currently) throught Ashdod, were the packages were inspected. The same happened with Rachel Corrie's aid ship. You are arguing on false facts.
What wrong stuff did I say? If it was being delivered everything is fine then isn't it?
Because our intention was not to stop aid from going to Gaza, but rather inspect it in Ashdod.
I just said it's wrong to stop it, didn't say that you did, did I?
Quoteavoiding first aid from being delivered to people who need it is not acceptable

We will not stop the blockade in Gaza. And that was the ship's intention. There were enough cases of weapons been delivered to the Hamas.
Did I say you did? Either you're fucking dumb or trolling..
you should do a background check on foxnews.
fox "NEWS" xDDD
Where did you get yours? :)
I do not have any detailed information about it because I really don't see the point. I just argue about how to treat humans and how you shouldn't. I didn't say anything about specific actions, just said generally that you shouldn't avoid first aid, food and such from being delivered to people who need it.

I think you got your news from the jewish media. They can basically everything there and you should be aware that not everything is right what you hear there. And that's what you pretend to be but actually fail at.
yes very lethal weapons, totally justified killing 4 guys for those.
oh yet another brainfucked jew
I don't recall you been a jew.
I replied to someone if you didn't notice?
why did israel immediately come with a total mediablackout, only to bring out their own news. The activists (without any guns, on the 5 other boats) were all threated very badly, even shot or stunned and attacked without warning. I dont see reasons for them to lie. And the source saying they were carrying guns is very unlikely. The turks might have been aggressive but you really dont know if anything happened before the israelean video (with the guy beeing thrown overboard). Im not saying israel is totaly wrong, but you cant deny mistakes have been made and innocent have been killed.
QuoteWe found on the boat weapons and stuff which OBVIOUSLY meant to be used against the Israeli nation.

you didnt find any weapons u pease of crap. israel havent reported any weapons found to international media, just propaganda for you. finding weapons & the protesters attacking is just whole big lie.

its not very hard to guess which one of you lies with the statements:

1. protestors say you didnt ask anything, just attacked you. they also confirmed that they stole some of your weapons just to throw them into water. also they poled white flag.

2. while your commandos said that they got beaten up by baseball bats & guns from a ship filled with food & hippies.

also theres been info that show some protestors have been shot to face 5 times from the distance of 45cm.

pls go fuck yourself and go fuck your "chosen people". you're just been acting like this because USA has got your back. now that obama didnt like this thing either you'll just shit in your pants.
You are not going to read?:) then what are u doing here arguing, u piece of shit. u can only see your good sides huh? and u call us brainwashed
Not gonna bother goolging "arab supports israel" or something alike and paste here the first link just to prove you people have their own opinions
who would defend the people that are taking over thier own land?

u guys promisse them some good future?:) perhaps monies?
and you have the right to block first aid and food for CHILDS?!
why would they took weapons @ their ships if it was only aid mission? try to look at the problem from both sides
They're jews, they won't understand.
wat ? :XD
I thought you replied to a jew instead of me, you're right, why would they do it? I highly doubt they've done that knowingly under what supervision they are.
there wasnt weapons at all...

I saw some pics including weapons, + if there wasnt any weapons, how come couple of israel soldiers were wounded?
they got hitted by sticks, thier weapons were as effective as polands weapons on WWII
still some of them got hurt pretty bad, if it was peace mission why would they attack soldiers? i simply cant understand it. + we've heard transmission from the radio where israel stated clearly that they wont let flotilla attend their territory. Im not defending anyone, im just stating the facts
It's because the world is blind and hypocrite. They will only look at the bad side that happened in Israel. I doubt they will even know what happens in Gaza besides us "taking our anger on them". It's pathetic and I pity stupidity.
It doesn't matter what happened, the israelian actions are not justified in any way. They could've even killed your entire population and it wouldn't be justified.
You are an example of ignorance.
Actually you are, you're influenced by your nazi media in Israel, I don't blame you but you should know better if you're as clever as you claim to be.
u came to their place and now u are killing em, what else is there to see retard
yeah we do, people dying from hunger and living in poverty. While you build a wall around them, make sure they dont get any economy, and yet you live in wealth. Laughing about them beeing killed. Now come with arguments for once. People hate israel because it has a attitude like you, thinking their totaly right in their actions and are above all law. And if they kill 1 jew you just kill 50 in return, talking about beeing rightous.

dude they got assaulted by the ppl they hate the most on international waters, what would u do?

and the facts are 4 deaths by the jews
Dude, on those pics you saw there were only kitchen knives, hammers, etc... basically stuff you find on any ship. Not 1 gun or weapon was found. They even put some headscarves on those pics to show those were "terrorists". The funny thing is there were EU politicians on those ships, you don't really think they would join a ship full of terrorists right? :/
Israel's policy is to check the aids in Ashdod, and deliver everything, under a supervision of any of the peace activists, to Gaza and to whoever needs it.
and my name is Jesus.
Look at Rachel Corrie's situation.
whats with her?

its a girl that u guys killed.
It's a girl we smashed the shit out of her shit with our tanks. But that's not the point. The point here is the latest peace ship.
what u did to them? i bet u were pointing them with a gun telling em that if they move they will blow their head up.

btw its pretty funny that the israeli commandos called the ship "Linda" instead of Rachel Corrie
if u want some credibilty in your "good" acts perhaps stop with killing innocent ppl just as u did with Rachel
I'm trying not to totally hate jews, and consider this to be some sort of goverment fail of isreal, but kids like you make this very hard.

read your comments after this "ship crysis" and you will see you are proud of killing those who cant protect themselves.
I'm not bothered with Brosan since he is a douche. I won't comment to him seriously either.
People who raise hands and brutally attack soldiers(Lynch, throwing soldiers off the boat, bleeding, stabbing, breaking bones, kidnapping) are not considered defenders and do'nt deserve in small kind of respect or mentioning. Rather, I hope they will fucking die in hell for been a piece of shits.
you tried to be civilized and act like you can make a conversation, but you see, you cant help to enjoy talking about deaths of ppl who cant protect themselves at the end.

you need to diagnose/accept this yourself if u want this to be cured, otherwise enjoy your nazizm online.
I'm going to Gaza at july 13th :)))
Quote destiny on 07/06/10, 12:41:41 PM | Reply

I'm going driving a truck to Gaza at july 13th and will come back to play ET before you'll be able to say Nelson Mandela :)))
Take some revenge ;))))
Israel, da place 2 B
Can't believe my aunt actually left on vacation yesterday to Israel.
°_^ say what?
lolol what the fuck are you guise on about.....war between jews+arabs=win win matter who wins one of em loses!??! and then Sweden will strike from nowhere and create a new stormaktstiden. WE WILL PROVAIL.
Sweden will strike?
Yes!?!? We're not strong enough to beat a country while theyre standing so after the winner of israel and pakis is decided and they're down bleeding we will strike from nowhere and become the new pakis.
You don't really want to, believe me.
Yes I do. Your muma doesn't want to.
1) We are a country, we have our rights to investigate it by ourselves. We offer to have a supervision from the UN.
The rest of your webiste you given are prove to be propaganda, such as the Doctoring audio records, with proofs of the real video. Also it's excuse for the audio been docotred is that they sound weird and the speakers weren't on Mavi Marama, excuse to be demolished, due to the line been linked up with all the ships together.
The middle-east is an asylum where the inmates have taken control. Leave them to it.
Posting links of Americans defending Israel is pretty useless aswell.. everyone knows U.S.A. will continue buttkissing jews until they don't fund their presidents/banks anymore
true thang
Don't fuck with jews, if they were able to kill jesus then you are no match for them at all...

Btw. How big is your juicy cock?

Jew cock isn't juicy. :-(
OVER 90000000 inches
all of this only cause people believe in god(s)
"The Israeli government is keen to deflect an international investigation, preferring an internal inquiry, possibly with limited US representation."

how come...
bomb whole gaza

problem solved
ohh ma goat!

i'll write a book about some dude who created da planet and say his son was born in ,... ähh ,.. Malibu! and then i'll go to united states of illiterates and suppress LA and if ever anyone want's to go see the ocean, i simply shoot them! cause its my waters.

but im really happy for you jews and imma let you finish i just have to say your country is the most annoying of all times.

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