useless settings!

Since it's the time of useless journals about the stupidest stuff I tought I'd make one aswell!



Crosshairsize? 55
crosshairtype? 5
Crosshaircolor Magenta
Fov? 90
Resolution? 1680 x 1050
pitch? 0.01501

Enjoy most boring WC match :$

Random pic
all default @r_mode 3
You got it, sir! I like your style!
//seta in_mouse "1"
seta m_pitch "0.016"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_filter "0"
seta sensitivity "2.666"
seta cg_fov 109
seta cg_drawgun "1"

seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"
seta cg_crosshairSize "36"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "red"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red"

r_mode 6 most of the time.
France - Uruguay was way more interesting.
True but check omg there's a goal and we're not even halfway!!! it feels like this game just doesn't advance :'(
everything dave DOES I DO TO
Crosshairsize: 30
crosshairtype: 5
Crosshaircolor: Red
Fov: 90
Resolution: r_mode 8
pitch: 0.01501
yaw: 0.022
ge moe crosshairsize 90 es proberen, ik trackt echt zalig kem et gevoel dak 70 acc schiet tot ik men stats bekijk! Japan suckt ballen :(
Crosshairsize? 38
crosshairtype? 5
Crosshaircolor red
Fov? 100
Resolution? r_mode -1, 1280x960
Pitch 0.016
Crosshairsize? 0
crosshairtype? dont have
Crosshaircolor dont have
Fov? 90
Resolution? 1920x1080
Pitch 0.022
Crosshairsize 42
crosshairtype dot
Crosshaircolor cyan
Fov 90
Resolution r_mode -1
Pitch 0.017
hitsounds off
crosshairsize 46
crosshair type dot
crosshaircolor red and sometimes white
fov changing 95-105
r_mode 4
m_pitch 0.0180
Crosshairsize - 45
crosshairtype - Dot
Crosshaircolor - Green
Fov - 90
Resolution - 800x600
Pitch - default
Crosshairsize? 48
crosshairtype? 5
Crosshaircolor Red
Fov? 100
Resolution? 1366x768
pitch? 0.022
Sens 2.9 / 400 / 6(11)
whats up with ppl playing with low mpitch ? 0_o
default is the way to go
whats up with ppl playing with low sens ? 0_o
High sens is the way to go
in et? i doubt
I don't doubt, lots of high sens users shoot better than all u low sens shitusers :D)
perfo, me! end of story! look it rhimes
perfo's aim not even close to maus,aza,butchji etc. stop trolling
k I was trolling! but still it doesn't matter high sens or low sens :s

I use high sens myself and I outaim most opponents ;)

It's perfectly possible to own with highsens you just need to put sens to whatever you like and I like it a little bit higher :-)
Crosshairsize? 45
crosshairtype? dot
Crosshaircolor cyan
Fov? 97
Resolution? r_mode 6
Pitch? 0.0151
Crosshairsize? tiny
crosshairtype? dot
Crosshaircolo cyan
Fov? 90
Resolution? r_mode 8
Crosshairsize? 48
crosshairtype? dot
Crosshaircolor cyan
Fov? 90
Resolution? 800x600
Pitch 0.022
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