How much do you drink..

during these hawt times. Today I've had 3/4 Liters of water (Put a bottle with water in the freezer for a few minutes, hmmmm ice cold water) 1/2 Liters of multivitamin stuff. Half a liter of Coke. Half a liter of Milk. Still enjoying some water atm!

image: hatersgonnahate
Wie houd dat nou bij
Korte termijn geheugen ? :(
I usually drink my own sperm.
69 litres beer
OMG SO MUCH, 1L max today...
unhealthy sir
i know, i never drink much dunno why.. don't feel like i need... but i should, specially because it's really hot at portugal :X
its really hot in here too, so stay save and drink ;D
you are wrong, if you dont do shit 1L is enough 1,5L is normal.
klugscheisser :D
3 liters water

2 liters orange juice
well i drank 4 liters in 5 hours 2 days ago, but might know what
alot of water
all i need is cups of tea!

image: yorkshire-tea_lg
3* 0.5l beer
1.5 l ice tea
0.5 l ice coffee with vanilla ice FUCK YEAH
1l water

e: wtf is this allien kid :O
+100000000 for the ice tea<33
I'm drinking 2liters/day everyday since 10months or something like that... In summer there is 3liters or even more.
ooh no ati , don't drink so much!
1L beer
1L whine
1L water

How do you drink whine?
i actualy dno if it was whine,it was like champagne/cider/whine just drank it from bottle with my m8s,how else do u drink it like? :o if i made no sense dont mind me , im lil bit drunk ;D
wine* :o(
ah i got trolled :D
Yea I understand drinking WHINE can make you lil bit drunk sometimes

WHINE is even better than WINE I think
my bad , guess the "wine" made me drunk and stupid at the same time,cant spell for shit :D

PS. Tried really hard to write that without mistakes :D
you tried mate...
4.5 l water + a new 1.5 l bottle now
1 l ice coffee
4 l beer
i luf ice coffee
same here :>
~5l of water per day
Some alcohol but my typing is still excellent.
How should i know how much i drink lol
6l of coke
almost 19 years old, not kid anymore
go prac ql noob :P
Not enough, like always...
5L beer
500 ml water

now trinking vodka.. buy buy
I don't know.
You should probably nick yourself "Waterboy" and watch the movie at the same time.
Tra mul on kaev mis te plõksite.
Saite aru???
buh I drink water out of the tap so no idea
Per day :D?


1L water max rofl
1.5 L beer
0,33 L Malibu coke
3 L water
1,5 L Deportistas
Few puddles, couple of 5L buckets, now enjoying brown water from the tap. It was a good day.
playing football =

x2 coke

x1 lemonade

x1 fanta

x4 water

x1 shandy bass

x6 tea x10 tea

x1 7up cherry
3-4 litres water, 0,2-0,3 litres milk and arround 0,5 litres of wine
1 l arehucas with sprite
1 l grape juice with a lot of water (1:3)
2 l sprite out of the freeeeeeezer!! (no arehucas left :( )
Bout 1.5l
at such heat I'm always thirsty... I drink a full glass and then I'm full, get back to my room and boom thirsty ffs and I cba go back kitchen lol
i've made coffee 6 times today, and i usually make 0.6L, i add around 0.2ml milk at every cup of coffee and out of a pot of 0.6L i usually get 9 cups of coffee. You do the math since i always fail hard add it.
around 1l of flavored water + like 700g of watermelon (wiki says it has 91.45g of water/100g, so 640ml) + 250ml of milk with muesli
That's just too much.
Did you really check it? Because i dont think you really did take that much if you just write it down and calculate everything you will see.
Because it's unhealthy to drink that much.
For my health i need to check allmost every day if i take enough fluid. Because i need to take atleast 2L. With this weather i can get to 2,5L.

You should drink atleast 1L ~ 1,5L more than 3L is too much. Because you can get problems than with your salt, like kalium or natrium. So make sure that you take some natrium(chips) and banana's(kalium) with this kind of weather.
I'm pretty sure it's correct :P During workout I was feeling dehydrated after every exercise, this made me drink shitloads of water ;d
Dan heb je waarschijnlijk last van dit verschijnsel gehad.

QuoteHet is ook mogelijk om te veel te drinken, hetgeen soms bij atleten gebeurt die te veel water verbruiken. Daardoor vermindert de concentratie zouten in het lichaam Het begrip dorst hebben zit dus eigenlijk tussen je oren.

Je hebt zeker geen chips of bananen ofzo gehad tussendoor of zout spul? Dat zorgt voor de balans. Als je gaat sporten/werken gaat is het beste om te drinken isotone drank, dat is nog beter dan water. Aangezien daar ook kalium enzo inzit, en het dezelfde samenstelling heeft als je eigen lichaamsvocht wordt dat het beste opgenomen. Probeer maar eens bijv halve liter isotone van extran citrus ofzo. Je zal dan geen dorst meer hebben. Dat wordt ook zowat helemaal door je dunne darm opgenomen, terwijl water enzo vaak ook nog daarna naar je dikke darm gaan. Ik drink elke dag een fles van dat spul.
Ik eet vaak een banaan tussendoor, kzal dan toch wat meer extran of van dat aquarius moete drinken ^,^ thnx!
Goed op letten wat je koopt, staat er vaak wel op wat het precies is. Er zit meestal ook heel weinig calorieën in dus het is ook gezond verder.
De Extran citrus de groene vind ik de lekkerste, en die is ook het goedkoopste.
Als ik ga fitnessen voor half uur dan merk ik het echt. Daarom drinken sporters dat spul ook, die drinken dan vaak combinatie van isotone en energie drinken.
Kzal de volgende keer is een flesje extran meeneme naar fitness, is zien of het er beter van word :o) die citrus ben ik niet zo gek van xD

in de winter/lente/herfts heb ik hier nooit echt last van, maar nu met die warmte pffffft ik blijf drinke ;d
Ive had 5-6 liters of water today , but now i had 2 liters of beer and I feel dehydrated :X
but I try to drink a lot of water even if its cold so whatever
That's just in your head than. It's not healthy.
i dont think its in your head cuz beer is known to be dehydrating, even if you drank 4 litres of water before it'll still make you feel dehydrated if you take 2l of beer after, and next morning it'll probably feel even worse :P
ye i blame the beer than. I don't take alcohol so i didn't know that.
But 5-6 liter water is not good either.
It's just a lot of people think they are thirsty, but in fact they are not.
yep i guess thats cuz of the heat and in this case a combination of the heat and beer which kinda doubles the effect, not really healthy indeed.
trust me, if I can have a bottle of vodka in a night drinking water is not a problem
Last 2 days about 8 litres of water, 10 cups of green tea, 2 jugs of jagermeister + energy drink, 15 pints and 6 bottles of smirnoff ice LOL yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

thirsty now ;ppppp
1 beer and im drunk
a cup of ego then i just quit
25+ outside

1,5L Cold Nestea vita'o or whateever that green one is called
allot else i get a headache
had to work during the germanymatch @ our cocktailbar.

drank like 1,5 litres applejuice + water
and after 24 o clock i stopped working and drank some jägermeiste+ desperados :> and now here i am :>
hab halt ne eigene cocktailbar du pfogel -.-
on really hot days i can go through sometimes a liter an hour which is probably a bit extreme

i ALWAYS put my water in the freezer though, got a few bottles in there now even. also useful if you need to take beers to a friends or something, stick a couple of ice-bottles in the bag and your beer will still be cool when you get there
I thought this was about alcohol and my answer is way too much
anything with alchohol!
wtf is dit voor waardeloze vraag

ken je echt zo weinig mensen in reallife dat je dit op crossfire moet gaan vragen ;D
ken je zo weinig mensen in reallife dat je perse op mijn journal moet antwoorden :S:S:S:S
0,5 beer
3 müller schorle à 0,5
2l ice tea
and a cup of coffee in the morning
4,3l omgoash :-O
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