How much do you drink..
3 Jul 2010, 23:19
during these hawt times. Today I've had 3/4 Liters of water (Put a bottle with water in the freezer for a few minutes, hmmmm ice cold water) 1/2 Liters of multivitamin stuff. Half a liter of Coke. Half a liter of Milk. Still enjoying some water atm!
2 liters orange juice
1.5 l ice tea
0.5 l ice coffee with vanilla ice FUCK YEAH
1l water
e: wtf is this allien kid :O
1L whine
1L water
WHINE is even better than WINE I think
PS. Tried really hard to write that without mistakes :D
1 l ice coffee
4 l beer
500 ml water
now trinking vodka.. buy buy
You should probably nick yourself "Waterboy" and watch the movie at the same time.
Saite aru???
1L water max rofl
0,33 L Malibu coke
3 L water
1,5 L Deportistas
x2 coke
x1 lemonade
x1 fanta
x4 water
x1 shandy bass
x6 tea x10 tea
x1 7up cherry
1 l grape juice with a lot of water (1:3)
2 l sprite out of the freeeeeeezer!! (no arehucas left :( )
at such heat I'm always thirsty... I drink a full glass and then I'm full, get back to my room and boom thirsty ffs and I cba go back kitchen lol
Did you really check it? Because i dont think you really did take that much if you just write it down and calculate everything you will see.
Because it's unhealthy to drink that much.
For my health i need to check allmost every day if i take enough fluid. Because i need to take atleast 2L. With this weather i can get to 2,5L.
You should drink atleast 1L ~ 1,5L more than 3L is too much. Because you can get problems than with your salt, like kalium or natrium. So make sure that you take some natrium(chips) and banana's(kalium) with this kind of weather.
Je hebt zeker geen chips of bananen ofzo gehad tussendoor of zout spul? Dat zorgt voor de balans. Als je gaat sporten/werken gaat is het beste om te drinken isotone drank, dat is nog beter dan water. Aangezien daar ook kalium enzo inzit, en het dezelfde samenstelling heeft als je eigen lichaamsvocht wordt dat het beste opgenomen. Probeer maar eens bijv halve liter isotone van extran citrus ofzo. Je zal dan geen dorst meer hebben. Dat wordt ook zowat helemaal door je dunne darm opgenomen, terwijl water enzo vaak ook nog daarna naar je dikke darm gaan. Ik drink elke dag een fles van dat spul.
De Extran citrus de groene vind ik de lekkerste, en die is ook het goedkoopste.
Als ik ga fitnessen voor half uur dan merk ik het echt. Daarom drinken sporters dat spul ook, die drinken dan vaak combinatie van isotone en energie drinken.
in de winter/lente/herfts heb ik hier nooit echt last van, maar nu met die warmte pffffft ik blijf drinke ;d
but I try to drink a lot of water even if its cold so whatever
But 5-6 liter water is not good either.
It's just a lot of people think they are thirsty, but in fact they are not.
thirsty now ;ppppp
1,5L Cold Nestea vita'o or whateever that green one is called
drank like 1,5 litres applejuice + water
and after 24 o clock i stopped working and drank some jägermeiste+ desperados :> and now here i am :>
i ALWAYS put my water in the freezer though, got a few bottles in there now even. also useful if you need to take beers to a friends or something, stick a couple of ice-bottles in the bag and your beer will still be cool when you get there
ken je echt zo weinig mensen in reallife dat je dit op crossfire moet gaan vragen ;D
3 müller schorle à 0,5
2l ice tea
and a cup of coffee in the morning
4,3l omgoash :-O