60fps Clip

can you watch this 60fps clip without lags?


im planning to use 60fps but i dont know if it works for most of ppl

so drop comment please
downloading atm will tell you 2mins :)

EDIT: yeh seems nice and really smooth!
downloading atm will tell you 20mins :)

edit: doesnt seem to be laggin for me
lagged :< but i used VLC and not ag0n's tutorial :>
Same as IceQ
not lagging for me
very smooth, but why not hd?
u know what hd means? its hd -,-

i think u mean its kinda bad quality? ye i gotta increase bitrate a bit
Maybe he meant that you should make it Full HD while you're at it :xD
I meant quality is bad.
seems nice , nice config etc.
Lagged in VLC, but everything lags in VLC, was fine in classic player, sound unsynched heavily though.
just watched with media played classic and had desynchronized sound too.
Not lagging, but the general quality is poor and a higher bitrate might change the final performance. The supersampling looks poor too. I'd go for a lower framerate.
looked smooth
Doesn't lag.
no lag, vlc mediapleyer
why 60 fps? oke, fine.
its a lot smoother imo :P
final size of the whole movie = 60 gb, trust me
The bitrate he used on that clip isn't that much higher than the average of HD fragmovies.
it's hard to encode and it's hard to playback for some people, so just stick with the basics
No lag,

BSplayer :]

nice config!
last frames lagged a bit

btw frags were 100% cheat
idd maza is crazy botter
last frames lagged a bit

nais aimbot
Fine for me : )
:( my computer is shitty therefore i lagged :(
tried VLC, Bsplayer, MPC..
Nice and smooth here
lags bigtime for me
try using your browser
lagging for me :-)
Motion Blur > More FPS
nice, if you can play ET with 61 fps, you can easily watch the video with 60 fps :D
Yes, because movies aren't compressed.
seen it yesterday : OLD
you waited like 5 mins too see picture ?

ahah no picture here ::d:d:d:d:d
I actually didn't. I just replied to your OLD. :)
runs fine
I've always been able to play such kind of clips, specially now that i have a decent/good pc.

Anyway, moviemaking wise:
- the motion blur sucks (most ppl will rate it as smooth, and it really is..). Try to do some pauses and see the ghost frames! (my point is: could be alot better..)

For some people who can't play the clip:
- Download CoreAVC 2.0 and install
- Download K-lite mega codec pack (latest version available) and install (select X264 decoder: system default)
It will work for sure (use media player classic as the default player.. you can even download the x64 version from decoders/media player classic.. using since 1/2 year without any problem!)

The Movie God has spoken!
clip god* xD kinda far away from being a god tbh :<
u heard ruipperi is finally going to release his first movie? u should do same :P
well, i will be participating in Saphire contest (hopefully). But it's really hard, summer time (going out, beach.. or just relax comes first than moviemaking).

Ps: i already released a "1st movie" ages ago xD but i don't really like to call it mine, i was soo newb back then :<<<
ye, i know, thats why i didnt count it :P
im not even using any moviemaking tools because im currently working on mp3 + frags movie, so it doesnt matter as long as its clear and smooth. thats why im thinking about 60fps cause it looks really nice imo!

why im doing this? because i dont want to spend so much time waiting screenshot capturing because of motionblur and stuff

watch this clip after watching 60fps: http://sample.wippiespace.com/30fps.mp4

looks really horrible?
Have to agree with ag0n about the ghosting issue. I'd consider disabling frame blending completely from your video editor if you make a movie with 60 fps. I would still capture frames using image with some motion blur, though.
rofl, havent noticed that vegas does resampling by default until this day :DD

30fps looks a lot better now http://sample.wippiespace.com/video.mp4
well.. it looks kinda bad because i see alot of "intermediary" frames, does't feel like a smooth sequence.
Try what gaso said, might help. Do a 50 fps movie and a stream version for poor people :P

Anyway i would rather waste 1 year doing something worth it, than wasting few days doing a fraps movie :| U have the potential to create a good movie!
check comment above ^^

nah, im not a moviemaker and im making this just to show amazing frags (not my frags)
looks alot better :)
or instead of installing those codecs just use VLC
yes. vlc is alot better....

irony muahaha...

vlc have his own x264 decoder (which isn't that good...)...
better than installing useless codecs, I've yet to find a vid that VLC doesn't play
very nice.
no laggs awesome cfg :D
Works fine with VLC player 1.1.0
VLC, decent PC, no lag.
Used bsplayer, works very well for me
looks smooth & fine (besides ugly config), but own3d.tv doesn't work too good with double pal (so double ntsc wouldn't work as well i think).

just think about it and/or make 30 fps version for streams.
My sound lags every 5 seconds, but thats with every newer ET movie
very smooth
works perfect

really liked the setup
Very nice movie :)
is fine here but either a cheater or just a lucky shot
are we talking about same clip? I can't see anything weird to be honest... lol.. the only "cool frags" is the 3rd one (killing in the air, but it's kinda normal.. lol )
you can't know for sure if it is humanized or not without the demo in ultra slowmotion and it looks kinda weird in my eyes
what would it help to get the demo and see it in low-mo?
you can see humanized aim in slowmotion. the aimbot makes small circle movements. it is really obvious
really? does it always do it? arent there some other formulas too, like perfectly random small crosshair whipping :d doubt you can bust anyone even if there was circle-like movement?
all bots are obvious when you spec them in slowmotion. you can't code it totally random because else it would flip and look even more obvious
if that's true its totally new for me. i thought humanized bots are so well made nowadays that it's practically impossible to spot an advanced user from a good aimer. still, they're impossible to bust, is that right?
unfortunately yes, because there is no demo proof allowed. if we played cs and not et most obvious cheaters would have been already banned. hi to all the ec players that are freaking obvious :)
mkay, but there are also aimhelpers that only helps a bit with the tracking, dunno about the technique. differs from bots anyway
Sounds are late:o
it is really smoth but colors are ugly
its smooth but I hate the white diffusion
any tips for colors you like? :)
You using MagicBullet ?

Then try to use the Max Contrast
or one of those 'cold' templates

also use the HSL Adjust plugin from Sony Vegas a little
Choppy and distorted with VLC. Really smooth with WMP Classic but there the sound is a lil delayed :D
Doesn't really look that smooth.
true, 30fps looks wierd after watching 60fps value.
Ensample 2 was smooth. Dunno what you captured at but the quality is pretty bad and doesn't look very smooth. The blur is pretty bad as well.
looks pretty good
minor lags in media player classic, but totally smooth in vlc
silky smooth <3 love it
i dont lag but its fcuking shit. The quality look like 3 years ago
didnt lag.
no lags, 3d fragmovies coming soon :D
can't watch it at all..

when the clip starts my picture stand still and i only hear ding ding ding :D wanna watch it...
smoth clip is smoth
We are on the brink of new technical breakthrough here!
theres no lags
awesome light effect :o
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