ET.Committee: I have a question :)

Sup niggers?

Well, i have a serious question about all these config changes:

You said, it will be tested during the summercup, so i just want to know: how will you guys analyse if these changes are good or not? I mean, will you do a poll for all users after the summercup or will you interview all the teamcaptains? Or is it just that the premier teams will have a chance to say something or will you guys just spec one or two premier matches to decide?

Its really a serious question, because i do not want, that these changes will stay forever without any serious investigation!

greetz :>
krosan will say that the highskilled agreed on making the changes permanent
There are more players playing this game :|
yes but there are somethings that highskillers dislike and Krosan sucks their dick -> makes changes
fucking bullshit, just because they are highskilled doesnt mean they decide everything.
look at that poll that was posted yesterday, 80% doesnt want it..
krosan is a fucking moron :\
[flag=nazi]image: nazi
get a clue, who signs up and goes to lan.. the high skilled teams
who is krosan representing ... the lan he organised
Where is he implementing the changes his committee came up with ... his lan

If clanbase decide to go with the changes too then thats their decision same for EMS

The fact remains is that he organised for this lan to happen and is the admin for the tourney he can make whatever changes he likes, if you dont like it organise your own lan or online tourneys
you have a point there
thx man, never knew i was highskilled, but thx :D
Yes. Next worldcup football the host will decide that hands will be allowed.

Karatekicks too.
the real question is:

who the flip decides who is in this commitee
i guess those who are running the tournaments / lans etc which keep the game alive, those that put the hard work into the community rather than those who just enjoy playing in their tournaments?
and what would the game be without any players in these tournaments?

his committee is for changes for AEF which consists of the top teams, he invited players etc from the top teams into that committee to discuss and they agree on the changes...seems pretty reasonable to me
yes but there are people capable to make smart decisions, not just based on their skill.
the members in this commitee could be making changes that only suit their clan?

tell me how meez feels about the supply tj, because hayaa seems to be in favour of getting the supply tj back to normal
ok so take impact, 4/5 of my players can make that jump yet both myself and ross agreed that it could be removed, sure those that can do the jump 100% of the time probably dont want it removed, those like meez just come up with alternative jumps...heh
so why only you and ross are in this commitee, but the other 4 impact players who are in favour of keeping the supply tj not? how was people in this commitee selected?
no idea, none of the others are managers / in game leaders i guess, i really dont know
Why should people who run tournaments decide how the game should be played. They dont even play, just watch and IF they play its like medskill.
read what is written, those that run the tourney create a committee with players from the top teams, they then discuss changes with those players and implement them for their tourney, surely thats the perfect system?
Well, use the vote of all the captains from the lanteams then. Its a community game, not a 10 people committee game.
there is already a significant amount of those teams in the committee and afaik no one voted against it
How could for example, R0SS vote to remove the supply rockitjump, while hes teammate hayaa thinks its bullshit and wants to keep it (from reading his posts). You cant be serious that 10 people should influence a whole game on a stupid cfg change like that.
it was discussed on our vent weeks ago, doesn't mean everyone would be in agreement, thats always the case, you'll never get 100% agreement
Well incase you havent read crossfire the last few days, NOBODY agrees with it. Unless your so called committee.
that doesn't mean shit, everyone always comes out to voice disagreement more than agreement so you always get whiners voicing their opinion more than those agreeing to it, anyway whenever a change is made in ET everyone whines, then they give it a chance and usually like it so give it a chance
Can you honestly say that playing 5on5 is/was more pleasant than playing 6on6?
5o5 works but no i prefer 6o6 but was just making a point, i'm sure there are some who prefer 5o5, that being said it is logical for lans so i get that, and cheaper for me to send my team to lan :D
still more ppl dont want to disallow it, you already mentioned that even in your team more ppl will probably want to keep it as it is, why change it then?
I know everybody have criticized a lot, but you know without teams and players your tournaments wouldn't be worth shit

E: oh, I wasn't the first one to realize that
AEF has teams and players so i guess its ok then
which ass i have to fuck to be an organising part of this community?
A few... if your up for the challenge
i think they're gonna review each game individually, and then make another tournament without the script, to see which games were more fair, and upon the results they're gonna decide which is the best for the community
that's what i'd do :)
Why not just remove all jumping from the whole game.
why start changing et now... its been fine for the past couple years -__- all i have to say is suck it up princess and leave the game how it is. you're making more ppl dislike the game then liking it in my opinion. well thats for the euro scene.
YOU SUCK IT UP ROSSKO i called u last night cause u missed ur chile match and they wanted you on :D
rock was at my place and i forgot all about the match lol. my sis asked to go on the internet cause we got rid of wireless... then at like 9:30 or so i was oops i got that match thingy -__-
this game is full of shitfags, and i feel i am nearly to join their forces
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