Test clips blabla

Hi Anonymous !

I need your opinion !

It's just about quality/color test.

Here are 2 clips (10 sec) :

MP4 File : http://imperfect.verygames.net/clipquali.mp4
Stream own3D.tv : http://www.own3d.tv/video/29481/Test_quali

MP4 File : http://imperfect.verygames.net/clip4.mp4
Stream own3D.tv : http://www.own3d.tv/video/29488/clip_test_quali

MP4 : 33.33 fps
stream : 25 fps ?
In-game record : image-et.exe 200 fps
An avarage ET movie project shedule:
80% Quality test
20% rest (edit,effects,etc.)

GO and make the movie if you like the look who cares some whinny kids dont like it
Well i don't rly understand what you wanted to tell me with your last sentence. But i just wanted to know what some guys think about the quality/color.
ok merci bien =)
@ 1st link..

Didnt look bad if its your first clip.. you made the colors a bit too brown or smth.. you should use a bit more HDR (the sort of white glow..) and perhaps you could make it a bit more brighten up and change the gun settings etc.. You could also make it a bit more smoother I think.. make it like 90 FPS or so, its also depending on what you do ingame -> by using IMAGE-ET.exe you can also use the depth of field (looks imo pretty cool altho not many ppl like it..) and perhaps you could capture with 300 frames per seconds..

After I saw the second clip I had to admit that its all a bit dark:P but for a begginning it looks pretty cool! coz you can still improve ( I dont wanna sound arrogant or smth coz I can improve myself as well ;P) and I dno how much time you spent on this and I dno what you actualy motivate to make all this but you could be a good moviemaker imo..

keep up the good work m8 and if you need AE help.. you know where to find me :PPPP ( But why didnt u use after effects ? :<)

GL !
Thanks ! ;)

I'll try to do something new by using some "HDR" (didn't think about using it before :p). What i should use for depth of field with image-et.exe ? 300 fps .. hum will try do not burn my computer :D

About After Effect, i don't know. It always crashs ! I see somewhere on zeh internet that it's from quicktime. The problem is that after 10-15 mins of rendering AE crashs (what ever the format). On a website they said we have to get the old version of quicktime (7.3.1). So I unistalled quicktime, install old version and now i can't even start quicktime (Error 46: Quicktime could not load of find QuickTime ActiveX control). I did tips i found on forum to resolve it but it didn't work. Then i unistalled old version and install new version. Still the same. Also i installed k lite codec pack but media player always crashs too. So i'm thinking about format the pc and install snow leopard in dual boot with windows 7. It's possible to install mac on PC now since the new version (friend of mine did it).

Here is the litle intro i made : http://www.own3d.tv/video/29437/Test_28_first_secs_intro
It's only 28 sec because After Effect crashed ! (It should be ~1:30)
I had problem with QuickTime before i use 7.5.5 and its fine now
the clip that you made is really good, atleast not just a copy-pasta, grat
Well it's currently a "copy-pasta" x)
My skill isn't ready yet to produce something rly good ! (I only worked with AE for 2 days, but as i can't render as, i can't continue)
QuoteWhat i should use for depth of field with image-et.exe ? 300 fps .. hum will try do not burn my computer :D

TBH: you should enable depth of field and exposure etc. (check the image-et.exe website, I dno the exact link to it sorry:P) so it looks more different and cool, I can help you with that..

QuoteAbout After Effect, i don't know. It always crashs ! I see somewhere on zeh internet that it's from quicktime. The problem is that after 10-15 mins of rendering AE crashs (what ever the format). On a website they said we have to get the old version of quicktime (7.3.1). So I unistalled quicktime, install old version and now i can't even start quicktime (Error 46: Quicktime could not load of find QuickTime ActiveX control). I did tips i found on forum to resolve it but it didn't work. Then i unistalled old version and install new version. Still the same. Also i installed k lite codec pack but media player always crashs too. So i'm thinking about format the pc and install snow leopard in dual boot with windows 7. It's possible to install mac on PC now since the new version (friend of mine did it).

well I solved that problem :) or let me say it like this: I know what the problem is.. dno if it works for you..
you can do 2 things:
- You contact the Adobe service (sounds pretty gay but this helps ALOT! They even help you when you have an unofficiall version of After Effects and they try to help you asap!)
- de-install the quicktime things and the other media stuff and install : 'k-lite mega codec pack'
This might work ;) at least for me it did and for some other m8's

QuoteHere is the litle intro i made : (url) [www.own3d.tv]
It's only 28 sec because After Effect crashed ! (It should be ~1:30)

This looks pretty decent! but you should do more advanced! I see you are creative and you have an eye for this so you should seriously improve m8 :) You can do bigger and better!:) I wish you the best luck on your future plans! and if you need any more help just call me :)

cheers mate!
I'll try to find the image-et.exe site (if their is anyone).

I already try to unistall quicktime, after effect, k-lite mega codec pack. I also did it with revo unistaller and clean everything but it's still not working. Maybe i will uninstall rly everyting i don't need, clean everyting (temprary files, reg) and install again.

About the intro, as i said to overclocked, it's just a "copy-paste". i just found the project (around 300 mb because of audio files and .mov files) and edited it :). My AE skill is rly newbie ! I need to train more and more but i can't render so i can't do anything.
like I said.. if you need any help.. -> #ibk-productions and /q :)
are you on the channel ? what's your name then :o ?
well i dont have a proper bouncer right now :P I'm at work.. but I'll be home this afternoon ;) so we can talk then or you can pm me here, got time enough tho :) but I have an appointment with some guys @ 10:30 CET so then I will not be able to chat..

cu later
moviemakers dont use depth of field - all the time - for a reason...

Its a pretty bad advice
no its not ;) its just how you desire to let it look.. indeed its not always very pleasant to see it and its not very much used but why did they create this feature then?! also for a reason...
I find the feature actually pretty cool on radar with some good settings etc.
I dont go into this right now, but I do not recommend to use it
noone uses it, too bad;P
u signed for Tek9 movie contest?
stfu niggah pls

go make your movies instead talking looooooooong for nothing (tl;dr haha)

you mad?
upload mad! coz he said he owned u
and he made jokes about ur mom again :XDDD I was laughing pretty hard actually yesterday :XDDD

so niggah PLZ!

Im @ work, gtfo frenchtard plz!
work? haha gtfo
perfect to me , dont like much effects , looks promising
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