ipod prob..i guess

image: ipodshizzle

whats up with this? i have 1.81 gb audio on my ipod, and it says i have for 1.94 gb other stuff on my, which i have not. what to do? now i cant place more then 1.81 gb songs on it.

maybe im just stupid, but i dont get it.
remove your films, tv programs or podcasts imo
dont have any, thats why its so strange
maybe reinstall itunes or restore factory settings to your ipod
do you have any files on it, as a flash memory i mean in ipod directory?
not that i know
what about pictures ? Delete them
the software sucks I heard
agree, Creative Vision:M > Ipod Video
I'll write this in Dutch, because I cant explain it correctly in English ;).

Ik had hetzelfde probleem.
Gebruik je toevallig windows media player? zoja, grote kans dat muziek synchronisatie aanstaat. Dat betekent dat wma alle nummers uit de mediabibliotheek copiert naar de ipod. Deze nummers kan je niet luisteren, maar ze staan wel op je ipod in mapjes. ALs je ipod is aangesloten, doe is rechtermuisklik erop en doe dan openen. Zorg dat hidden maps aanstaat ( in bijv Deze Computer druk op extra --> mapopties --> weergave --> verborgen bestanden weergeven ). Ik geloof dat bij Ipod control dan allemaal van die mapjes met artiest worden aangemaakt. Ik weeth et niet zeker meer, maar je moet ff je ipod doorzoeken ergesn staan allemaal mapjes met artiestnamen. De map met Music met de bestanden F01 , F02 enzo is het niet, want dat zijn de bestanden van I-Tunes.

Hopelijk is het beetje duidelijk, en is het dit.

Edit: Je moet ook bij je wma opties als het dit is, ff syncrhonisatie uitzetten om dit te voorkomen.
it says that you have half of your memory used by pictures, save your librairy, and format the ipod...

And yes, itunes sucks, download the ipod plugin for winamp.
The only thing i can think of is enabled disk use with 1,94GB of manualy added files, but that was already said.

Just do reset or format and reinstall firmware on your pod, it should solve the problem.
Maybe you should have bought a DAP that doesn't require a shitty programs to even put music on it (all competitors come to mind). :<

I've heard good things about Anapod Explorer, though. You should probably give it a try.
anapod is like itunes?
No, it's a Windows Explorer-like replacement.
1.8gb is enough
Phaz rifle 1o1 plz /q me tonite.
use the winamp plugin works much betterfor me!

shud check your ipod in explorer and see if there are weird maps/files on. Atemis explanation sounds good aswell. Just keep using itunes, my software on the ipod got corrupted from accessing it with other programs and i lost every file on it :'(
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