flag tutorial

hey. I wanna make some miniature flags for here but like, I wanna make that cool shine/wave effect, except I'm not sure how (PS noob olol), anyone got a tut or know how?

Germany Anonymous

the only way i manage to do it is to create a layer above the one where the flag is, select it as a mask for the layer below it, then use a linear gradient tool (transparent -> background) and draw a line from top to bottom. i hope you understand it, my english is good but my ps knowledge isn't =(
yeah, thought about that, its just all other flags seem to have some exact filter/layer overlayed...

Maybe taLa can help? :(

I just want the filter/layer settings for the shine
if that's the case i can't help you then sry :( try pm'ing some of the makers of good shiny flags =D. taLa can prolly help as well :P
let me try ^^
just use a softbrush
set the flow @ smth like 30%
it was an estonian flag before you made it green/yellow but its ok.
after you made a line with the brush you can delete one part of it using selection tool :)
does it look like it was?
your opinion people..?
how did you do the shine?
the estonian flag already had it, he just did CTRL + B.
man this flag owns pink weed > all*

best flag ever
how did u make 2nd black and 1st green etc..?
i would choose estonian.
how do u do small text without it gettin all blurry and unreadable?
turn off anti-aliasing in ps text
blur is fixed, But now the letters just look like a block, any ideas hows to fix? : o
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