popup blocker

ahoi fellas,

what popup blocker are you using? which is the most effective? i'm asking cause it's pretty annoying nowdays to browse in the internetzzz..., i'm using firefox.

thank's in advance.
adblock preu
it blocks anythin you want!

even comment of crossfire users k3k3k3
Adblock Plus, it works perfectly.. No advertising on facebook, crossfire,...
well, basically i just want to block the little random windows or new commercial tabs (mosty porn shit) which open automatically if you e.g. press on a button and so on...
Seriously? Isn't that a standard function of any browser nowadays?
doesn't seem so...
you probably have spyware already installed on your pc, Firefox has a built in popup blockers.
well, at least you need to install this adblock plus manually at firefox if i am right.
Correct, i am using firefox version 3.6.8 with ABP addon, works fine :)
I'm not sure if adblock deals with popups. It does remove ads from webpages though. I can't imagine browsing the internet without it. It's horrible. :D
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