photoshop skills by by by

image: imagisgay

how do i get the grass green

e: or just set your color to green and recreate the brush .. done
if you used a brush to create that grass you just need to set the color of the grass green.
if not make a new one with a brush :)
colour replacement can work, gave it a little bash:

not sure how else to do it, if it is an overlaid later (just the grass, not the background) then should be easy to use the stroke tool once selected.
nice being offline on mirc :[
sick guy but we moving away from the cow and grass style now
i can do that even better with paint

dont want to start with photoshop...rofl
mate.. we r serious organisation.. we use advanced programms..
Not great right now but could be better, hes obviously new to photoshop :P do more with the background make a sky and clouds and a sun and some shadows from the sun and make the txt better and make the cows faces different then you will look pro at photoshop while still being noob (or is that what a real pro at photoshop is?)
moar awesome brush!!!1
you need more cows there m8
What is the cow symbolizing in zero empathy?
Grass looks really healthy, I bet that has something to do with the cow's manure. And why is Zero Empathy green? Isn't there any other color that would describe your empathy better?

No offense.
lots of ways, heres an neasy one:
make a new layer, with marquee tool draw a rectangle around grass
fill it with green
change the layer blend mode to screen/lighten/linear dodge
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