CB vs ESL match DDOS'ed ?!

What the fuck man? :<

How can Pale do that?

e: Now nb vs idk match.... omg.
hes da man
What happend?
The same like EC Final....
Pale is awesome.
EC final all over again!
The last time he did this, people made journals about it and he enjoyed the attention. You are just giving him what he wants. :)
you expect us to move on like nothing happened? :"|
it wasn't a great match anyway
Exactly. So why ddos it?
cuz it's fun for him to annoy ESL + CB admins
yet there were 200+ specs
just to see u guys failing.. :D
btw... is it sure he did that?
dunno if pale did it (he always claims he does on his forum) but its 99% an attack on the server(s).
Does it not just show that SLAC must be working in frustrating him?
"he always claims he does on his forum"

when I have said so?
I was asking the opinion from the others, if they are enjoying it. I didn't say "he look, I ruined the EC final".
even last EC Final you tried to make it look like it was you who got the rcon

and i wonder who would attack the slac pubserver
I don't remember anything about last EC, but for example I just saw someone posting news about SLACCASEK. He said that it's some cheat made by me, and he wrote link to my msn address and website etc..

... and I haven't created such cheat. So it's very possible that someone is faking me.

edit: if you think that telling how to join slac pub server without slac is attacking, ok then.
lol that was posted by the catalan crew, they're just trolling 24/7, they make fun of casek everyday cos he gay & mexican :PPP
if I'm here to chat with you at the moment, what's happening to nb match?
oh it must be my silly brother ddossing it.
cancelled, someone started attacking the server too.
by the way, I saw you in ETTV asking the attacker to ruin the nB match
yes, seems like he liked the idea :D
excuse me?
No, it was MHPJE The DreaM Manger aka laddergoat, he was tryin to piss u off cuz u ban him i guess, and he used my " name " w/out my consent
ban incoming because of links to cheats, i had it 2
don't understand what's the fun in that.
Ask chaplja to hack his computer.
its time to crash with a airplane on his house !!!
talking about crashing airplanes the day after 9/11 HOW SENSITIVE OF YOU
he's a magician
if people cant appreciate such event there wont be any in the future, easy as that

both cb and esl admins did that for the community and some tard messed it up

but sadly the tard wants us to stop hosting cups/important matches
whats his point. He could benefit from growing community surely but he works against it -.-
same reason he codes (private & public) cheats i guess
what is the reason?
lack of real life?
Stop streaming to the master server then (etmaster.idsoftware.com ?).
we already tried that, but splatter ladder won't stop, they are acting like retards just so they have 10 servers more (e-penis)

then issue a max connection number to the server or sth :P
Splatterladder caches the servers already found. The only option is to change IP or port of the server and not stream to the etmaster.
not talking about hiding it, but ddos needs many connections, if you limit it to 30 there's no way you can ddos it :p
DDOS doesn't need to establish connections. Imagine the Internet provider routers receiving thousands of packages that have destination your IP address. They don't know it's an attack so they route the packages to your server. Even though your machine rejects them at some point, the bandwidth is still wasted.
well to ddos the complete connection and not only one client is a bit problematic nowadays :P

at least with proper loadbalancing 0o
normally the swithc should at least be able to cache those noumerous connections when flooding a port :x

edit: anyway i wonder - if it really were him ddos'ing, where'd he get all the bots from, his customers? or is he that pathetic to spend a few hundered bucks on bots for the day? :p
This is why DDOSes are the most hated network attacks :). You can't protect yourself without the help of the Internet provider. Usually they are responsive for business/enterprise subscriptions where a DDOS means a lot of money lost.
I'd count hosts also into that category :P
Change ports, stop streaming, restart server. It's not working?
omg theyre so stupid...
those splatterladder guys are retarded, u should have the choice of what u want your server to be, private or public.
wtf? they have no rights to stream informations about gamtestv servers.
you could sue them :D :D :D
fucking tards
Get someone program some server addon that blocks the serverinfo requests completely. This would still make playing on the server possible if you know the IP, but Splatterladder can't get the player infos on their site which means that nobody knows which server you're on. After 4 days Splatterladder then removes the server, I think.
Poland grzesiek !: O
anti ddos? firewall? anyone?
I doubt that's possible, if the service is accessible through the internet, it can be DoSed. If there was a firewall in the way it would just be the firewall that gets flooded with requests and crashes.
ahm ddos can be blocked. you can set maximum connection per ip and overall.
blocking ping and unnecessary services etc.
otherwise nearly every big website would be down...
It still takes clock time in the router (or firewall) to handle the requests to see which one is to be let through and which is not. In DDoS attacks it is most often the router that gives in and not the server itself.
blackholing and so on
there are ways and I think pale (or whoever) are simple script kiddys
There are ways, yes, but there aren't any practical ways that could be applied to a server hosted by YCN.
pale hating on et tbh, ddosing EC, slacpub and now every gtv match. hes like internet superman

just get everyone on crossfire to ddos pale back np4us
nice job :)
nb vs idk, awefull to watch imo
Killerboy: go DDOS nB match
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