need your help xfirerers

need this song! cant find it anywhere and cant dl it from youtube cause its not avi in my country

show me the niceses
also gives me the error telling me its not avi in my country

would you be so kind to dl it and then upload it somewhere? :(
You could just:

1. Enter youtube url
2. Agree to terms
3. Select "movie"
4. Click "Get Files"
5. Click "convert" after the standard movie link
6. Select "flv to mp3 fast"
7. Click "convert"
8. Download file

Or you could do as I do it.
1. Use Opera browser.
2. Learn how to use a proxy & opera's cache function
3. Download youtube file
4. Extract audio (there are programs for this. plenty of programs)

Of course the second way might be too challenging for you 'cos you have to ask for advice on a simple matter like this so I recommend the first one. Also, I do not have any faith in your abilities so in order to save us all the frustration of having to read your whining I have taken the liberty of completing the steps above and uploading the file. Here is the link : (just click download) . The audio is truly of horrible quality with 64kbs and 22khz but I am sure one such as you will not mind.
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