Need a photoshop tutorial

I want to photoshop a picture, with text, but change the text. I believe there is a function where you can edit the text in the picture ( or something similar), but I can't really find the words to google it.
image: joker_-_i_dunno_lol

btw sletje, heb EINDELIJK die kut vdsl2 :D
ah nice :p en ge download nu ook wel lekker 10x zo snel zeker =)? das echt genieten nu voor te streamen en downloaden zene! enkel balen da RS atm ni goe werkt ma da ligt aan RS zelf
jaaaaah :D zo lijkt et nu image: 970799098
ma 'k heb zo 4 weken moete wachten i.p.v 2.. --' allemaal problemen en zo, zelfs electrocutie!!!!1

wa is RS? =$

dit zijn mijn results met het Favorite abonnement.

image: 974398256
effe ook zelfde server pakke

e: image: 974443888

fuck off, m'n upload is beter :PPPPP
upload boeit ni :D alles draait om download ;p ma ik zou nog altijd even content zijn me uwe snelheid ze :) ten opzichte van vroeger is dees echt te nice
jaaa inderdaad.. van 3 naar 17 :P
Fart bubble, EXTRA AIR.
2 Problems with that

1) Your body uses up about 4% Oxygen of the 20% oxygen that is in that air (meaning the second time you'll only get 16% Oxygen back in and it only decreases over time)

2) You'll inhale a shitload of water.
it cannot be any !
no shit brah
you cant easily unless its a psd and the text layer is still intact.

if its an image then you have to use photoshop skillz to paint over what should have been there and then write your own text.
it's a small photo i took with alt + print screen, and i want to edit the text inside it. how do i know which font to use, size etc so it will be similar? do you have any guides / tutorials / vids?
it all has to be done manually, no tuts bout that
afraid there is no easy way, maybe its a common font but there is no way other than someone knowing the name of it. the font info isn't stored in the image file. If its from a software/web interface its likely to be a common font, otherwise it could be any one of thousands.

If you find the font or something similar start typing over or next to it and adjust the size and spacing until it fits. First step is finding the font though - best way is to type the exact same text below it and cycle through the fonts to see if they match. Dont think you will find a tut on it.
aight did not know still a ps noob
Or you could post the photo here and ask if anyone knows the font.
this font i actually got, but usually if i'd want in the future to edit texts, i though there is some tool that can detect the font
Thanks a million! I will be using that a lot now that you pointed it existence!
which pic?

pm me the pic and i try to help you

its not possible to change the text. at least there is no easy way to do so. but if the background of the font (behind the font) isnt thaaaat special ( for example only blue background) then you can probably erase the text and use a new font.

for example by using the stamptool
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