Slac: ehmm

This list showed few days ago some players caught cheating with palehook. Well on adawolfa site there is write that this list doesnt have palehookers which buy SLAC proof cheat but the old version of PB.

This means that slac is still in the useless stage ? and what about the fps lag ?

image: LOL_theforce
its doenst have any fps lag ;). and he is just hiding it for moneyzz|ZzZ
The way it makes my pc's performance drop to almost zero is ridiculous.

I admit, my pc is old, but now it's almost as bad as with punkbuster in the past.
got old toaster as well , ran way more smoother compared pb with slack

toaster nigger..
it's nice to trust everyone
PALE doesn't want to lose potential customers, so he is lying :)

This fits perfectly:

image: I-recognize-2-of-my-customers-in-that-list-they-have-been-busted-for-another-reasons

Also check the reply of FinlandExtacy he confirms what chaplja said and confirms that pale is lying.
there are a lot of palehookers around the ET scene, why just few ppl was busted ? and i see yesterday night 3 randoms playing under slac and cheat free with aimbot and wh... ME SAD PANDA!
I see 2/3 new people on the violations list, so most probably they are the same guys you played against.

palehook doesn't work with SLAC, it's "PALE SLAC Proof" cheat that 'works' with SLAC, he doesn't have many customers, all got busted.
hope so...but in offi with slac i find a cheater and he still plays without any problem.
you can also just think he is cheating, while he isnt ;D!
wh is da way!
good coms, loud sounds and playing experience can explain a lot of situations and in addition to that some ppl have crazy luck :)
+1, too bad only 0,1% of this community realised that..
idd, for example: i spawn, wait 3 secs, took obj, wait 5 secs (+spreed button) going bridge, axis spawned 6 secs before i went bridge, he throw a perfect nade on me, not right, not center but left side, and his team mate was in office shooting my u still think it's lucky, comms, skill, brain ? (delivery, 2on2 offi)
maybe he was leaning and waiting or just heard u :) ?
sorry i didnt explain it good :) he was down, and i didnt make any sound (i rewatched it and with volume putted to the max i didnt hear anything) and i was waiting a lot for a "spawn kill" :) i hope u understand what i mean :)
Well, if it was just a single action, I would put it in the luck cathegory, but if it happened every spawn then I'd be interested in watching his demo.
But he has to know that u are coming from somewhere and in deli there aren't that many alternatives
if its so obvious, i guess you still can bust him by demo + screen of slac-id
u expect him to say that it was his anti slac cheat users busted?
ive got fps drops only in grush and radar since using slac, which has never happened before, but wtever, still using it every war
me not anymore just when it's forced...too many fps drops = lag
low fps drop here, nothing special (much better than PB)
QuoteThe cheat which was detected is so called "SLAC proof" by pale. The bot cost 15 €.

QuoteThis list showed few days ago some players caught cheating with palehook

it is not done yet
what are you doing on adawolfa site
Ye, believe the cheatcoder

retarded fag
its a heuristic program that runs when you game.

so unfortunately it runs CPU instructions.

how shit.

unfortunately this means that if you have a single threaded sewing machine there will be problems with your stitching.

maybe you should shut down notepad.exe it might be also causing you lags.
notepad.exe is a must in my CPU list ! cant live without it!
i know it helps me concentrate when im fullscreen if I know that baby is open in the background with the special words typed in it

shame its such a juicy beast
also with some ascii girls that gives u a good vibe
get pb back, never had any problems :<
i never had any problems bypassing pb either
I never had a problem with pb and neither with slac
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