Estonia vs Serbia

Last night Estonia won vs Serbia 3-1. Haha, so funny shit lolz ololol olz

And i have no memories from 22 till 3 in the night. Oi bljääää
säärekondist suunda murdis
selostaja puhuu ku jope ruonansuu :DDD
who cares, tennis is the nr. 1 sport in Serbia
I thought genocide was
didn't your mom tell you to not think out loud?
no, probably because I live in a free country
low- vs low

what sport anyways?
1st EE goal - nice
3rd EE goal - funny ;D
first match they won since football exist, gratz
Are you mad or sth ?
I was for Serbia -_-
Well, I heard that Serbia didnt make any special prework regarding that football match.
Bet they thought they are going to overrun us. That's not the attitude that helps to win a match.
I didn't really follow what happened before and after this match, i didn't even see the match, but i can see some potencial in Serbia team, anyway, GRATZ TO Estonia hehe
no, not really.
and without seeing the match your commentary looks really gay. serbia was shit last night, estonia had all the chances and all the goals, serbia played at home, estonia abroad. you my sir, are a shithead.
Just said i was for serbia
saying its a first match we won since the start of football is just so retarded, our team has been treated like this for ages and im so sick of it. we're not a total push around just because of some losses that happened a while ago.
I can see madness, so much madness.

I watched the game, and Serbia was shit indeed, but so was Estonia. None of the teams deserved to win.
estonia didn't play shit? the reason serbia was so shit was that they were given the chance to play the football they wanted to. Estonia just blocked all ways of passing and had their homework done. Unlike Serbia, whose lack oh homework Estonia exploited and won in a good game with a fair result.
U obviously dont have a clue what football is about, Estonia played shit -

*they scored 1 incredible goal which had nothing to do with the play
*they scored their 2nd goal from a rebound, where the first shot took a deflection
*3rd goal was a stupid (and hilarious) owngoal caused by lack of communication on Serbian side.

*Serbia made 1 lotto goal caused by deflection, for the rest they barely had played out chances, same for Estonia though.

Estonia played for the draw and got lucky.
Serbia tried to play for the win, but they don't have the qualities to make the tempo of a game.
They only play good when another team is making all the play and they just react to it.

Both teams were horrible, your rumour about Serbia not preparing for the gaming is probably false unless you were inside the Serbian dressing room yourselve.
And if you would follow international & national football leagues, ud notice that this win doesn't mean anything, Serbia is a mediocre football team and so is Estonia, they just had some more luck & efficiency yesterday.

& here are the matchstats to prove what I'm saying is true

Serbia lack creativity & efficiency to take control of a game,
Estonia was efficient. (4 shots, 3 goals)
the mere fact they never covered Tarmo Kink and Konstantin Vassiljev means no homework (just youtube these names). And how can you say Estonians played shit? The 2nd goal came from a rebound after our left back dribbled through 2 of your "world-class" defenders and gave a pass to the middle where your defence failed to clear it and the shot that vassiljev made was quality.

And to tell the first goal had nothing to do with the game itself is just ridiculous, did you even notice how many times we got to shoot on the goal from distance without anybody covering? it was just a matter of time before someone scored.

Estonia never played for the draw, if they would, they wouldn't of came on with 2 strikers now, would they? And serbia played shit because their tactics are obvious, right wingers attack, left wingers pull together in the mid and try to work something out with short passes. Teams that go and play with a bit more of a defensive approach will always try to block that out, exactly what we did. So mostly the reason you were shit is because you had no where to play the ball, except at the end desperatly volley it to the strikers which were all cleared. Now you on the other hand don't seem to know much about football youself, if you can only judge a team's attack.

edit - oh but i do follow and serbia is a better team than just "medicore" and by stats and ranking estonia is a shittier team that medicore. You have a squad filled with players from the top of the world clubs, you played in world cup, Estonia has never qualified for anything and we are ranked 85th in the FIFA ranking.

edit 2 - those 4 shots were on target, estonia missed with 9 shots against serbias 8. And our shots actually were shots unlike your shit. Congrats, you had +4 in thes shots department, you obviously dominated the entire match.
mate are u fucking retarded

I'm saying myself

that Serbia is shit !!!!! (they didn't dominate cuz they can't)
they dont have the quality to do so.
Their players are not worldclass (ivanovic krasic stankovic & vidic are the best we have to offer). The 2 players that were dribbled for the 1st goal were lomic & lukovic (whooo ?!!)

But everything I said above, counts for Estonia too, they are shit - played effective yesterday, and thats it. Nothing more - Like you say yourself, they just closed down their half of the pitch and then went on the counter, where they got 4 shots on target.
3 resulted in goals.
so that means estonia didnt play shit if they managed to close down a team way higher than their level and score 2 times.
Yes, Estonia won due to the lack of quality on the Serbian side, not due their own quality.
no, you said "they closed down their half and went on counters and played effectivly".
For any squad in the world closing down their half, being effective on counters is a good game againts serbia, a team that played really well in the world cup.

Serbia's 4-2(?) loss to Australia proved enough of their capabilities.

Without a worldclass striker & more creative midfielders Serbia is not a word-class team
rofl the cat just cant resist attacking the "fish" :D
both teams are low :P
lol last goal :D
fantastika! :D
Ten film wideo jest już niedostępny z powodu otrzymania roszczenia dotyczącego praw autorskich przez Eesti Rahvusringhääling.
Ten film wideo jest już niedostępny z powodu otrzymania roszczenia dotyczącego praw autorskich przez Eesti Rahvusringhääling.
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