Need photoshop pro!

Well maybe not pro, but i'm shit at this!

I need 3 figures cutting out of 3 different images, just the heads and shoulders of people and I cant use the cut tool for shit!!

If you can help me, send me a pm and ill link you to the images!

Much love of you can help!!
pm Tw1zZt
/pm hugthesub
lol noob use quick mask or something, so much easier :P
Help me baby.....
If you still need help by 7pm I'll have a go l0L busy and hungry atm :P
Man this is so fucking annoying, 3 hours I've been here trying to do a simple picture
Link me to a picture lol on da msn!
Havent got msn on my mac!!!! Will pm you here with links tho!
Adium/Microsoft Messenger?
It's not that I haven't got it because I didn't know of one for the Mac, it's that I just don't want it full stop!

Thanks anyway though :D
Use a lasso.
no can do
i know how to cut things out of images (easiest thing ever) :D but no PS installed here 8-D
/q zeroE`Goku / zerOFF`Goku could help you (: .
/q kartez
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