Today is a great day for the Enemy Territory scene and especially to the finnish pride, Finland KESKUS RIKOS POLIISI. The finnish all-rounder superstar and one of the best players of all time, Finland crosby, who is also known for starring the stunning fragmovies, Mikko Movie and Mikko Movie 2, has decided to make it back to competitive gaming.

It was ofcourse self-evident that this former EC winner and a long-time member of Finland KRP would once again unite his natural talent, astonishing aim and inimitable style of play with the best that Finland (and possibly all the ET scene) has to offer: KRP.

Finland crosby still has 61 days left of his military service in Finnish defence forces so he can't yet play 100% actively and up to his maxsimal skill, but of what we've seen so far, we've been VERY VERY pleased.
Here is Finland crosby serving his duty for the fatherland:
image: bo6vrsd3fhn4r09md

All in all, KRP is very happy, and we know the whole community can agree with us about this, to welcome Finland crosby back to ET and back to KRP. As everyone knows, we recently were bitterly backstabbed by Finland Matias, who left us for some stinking nerds who never see a woman. At the moment, WE COULDN'T CARE LESS!! With the recent comebacks of TAPSA (JOEL), miNd and now CROSBY(!!) KRP looks stronger than ever.
This picture speaks for itself:
image: bo6w0fjrnsre5ykz9

Also, matchreport from today: KRP 4 - 0 Anime Nerd Club
I support you Matias, dont worry
Not as big as JOEL comeback but still very nice.

Welcome back old m8kko <3
welcome back
Also famous clan LCC is back in action becouse of crosbys great comeback!
Lol, :D
great rifle, wb
loooled at the pics :DD
ec mikko is back
mikko movie 2 best movie ever made :)
waiting for KRP ladder match today in gtv

Matias will always get laid.
This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
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