transparent pdf

How the hell do you export a photoshop file with a transparent background to pdf?

Atm got a file with some text,, and some images in the background.
Need to have those images in the background in a pdf, and the text in another pdf file with a transparent background (so it can be printed on top of the other pdf), but I have absolutely no fucking clue of how to do this and neither does google :S


edit: FIXED! thx for halp! got it fixed in indesign
you're overcomplicating things, just use File->Save As
Well, I exported a .pdf using save as (with a transparent background set in photoshop and the text in another layer above), but when I view the file in reader it displays the background as white instead of the usual "opaque blocks" in the background in adobe programs. So now I have no idea wether it's really transparent or not :<
maybe its only a white background in the viewer and the original background is still transparent? dunno
normally that wouldn't be the problem, but this is for my job man. this shit needs to start printing today or I'm rather screwed, so the print-ppls would rly like to have it right now. exactly at these moments this shit always happens -.-'
gimme a second, i try something, but have to reboot
man sorry, but i dont really get it either. i set PDF to X3. the only explanation why its white could be that the background color of the adobe reader is generally set to white and there is no such transparent-background option. you can set the background color in adobe reader but cant set it to transparent. i recommend what goku said. just send them the PSD file
If it's for printing, you're screwed because you can't print transparency, as far as I know.
If it's for on the screen, just send a PSD.
I've got a psd with images and a black background, and text on top of it. They need the text in a different pdf with a transparent background, so they can print it on top of the background (sounds a bit confusing but it makes sense right?)
Change the transparency of the image to a colour that matches the colour of the PDF's background. WIN!
the background needs to be transparent, and on top of that needs to be the text.

in the end I end up with 2 seperate files, one with the text on a transparent background, and the other with only the images and a black background on it. After that the text will be printed on top of the file with the images.
I always got told transparency is unprintable..
Well since you cannot print white anyway a white background doesn't make a difference right? It's not like the printer will print white ink/toner over your background images.

Also, PDF 1.3 doesn't support transperancy.

I just saved a PDF (1.4) from photoshop and when I reopened it in photoshop it still had the transperancy... Didn't change anything in the options.
well you actually CAN print white, but only if its used as special color or if you would print in silk-screen printing or however you call it in english
I doubt his printer does that as it is set up right now :D
sounded like he wants to print it in some printing company ;D
Yeah, just read that aswell, still. It is kinda special to do such a thing and you would think they would ask confirmation.

I worked at a printing company and actually got the question only once in a year orso.
yeah its pretty rare :D
save as``?
When everything else fails.... Indesign!

Still odd that Photoshop didn't wanted to work for you.
or you vectorize it in illustrator and export it to EPS. the printing company should be able to handle it
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