Streaming Feedback
20 Dec 2010, 10:29
I've been streaming alot lately which includes streaming ET, League of Legends and Starcraft 2. Now I've only got feedback about fixing the lag. So far I've managed to fix the lag for SC2 and LoL, but still having some problems with ET it seems. I'll try to fix this asap. Anyway, streaming is the way to get ET out there to other communities because no-one wants to install ET and go through all the SLAC and PB problems to actually just watch a game and look what ET is like. Besides that, I enjoy doing it :P
Now I'd just like to have some feedback on the shoutcasting/streaming part of the Aero cup and ESL Finals. If you watched, did you enjoy watching it? What could we do better next time? What about do you enjoy watching more freecam or a players PoV ingame? Thanks in advance!
#Atiunderscore to see what game I'm streaming next!
If you'd like a game streamed, just pm me in my channel!
Now I'd just like to have some feedback on the shoutcasting/streaming part of the Aero cup and ESL Finals. If you watched, did you enjoy watching it? What could we do better next time? What about do you enjoy watching more freecam or a players PoV ingame? Thanks in advance!
#Atiunderscore to see what game I'm streaming next!
If you'd like a game streamed, just pm me in my channel!
when u were both casting together it was pretty okay. what was the best was when u were commenting on what they should do etc.. so imo u should do that alot more.
I wouldn't mind giving either a try.
Would've been nice if your co-caster would have been less partial as well :P But then again I only watched the final.
I like when you guys analyzed and spoke of the different tacs and stuff they are using though, and what they should try. Wasn't that much, but it's interesting to hear stuff like that as a normal player, instead of pure commentating of frags and flag caps.
I've not played Quake Live much, but I like listening to shoutcasters there because they give an explanation to the players moves and what they are trying to do. Which I find interesting.
If you say your goal is to bring the game out there to non ET players you definately need a cleaner picture. Its simply more enjoyable.
I just tried to politely express that his stream quality sucks and thus I do not enjoy watching it and people who do not even know the game will probably dislike it even more.
looking at 'modern' games like COD they have the whole achievement based thing. Although unlocking weapons would just be stupid in ET, awards shouldnt be too hard but it would require alot of community work to make it happen.
This is just one example. There are many many more flaws out there. GTV already have to look out for the amount of new maps they add to their ettv's becuase somewhen the limit of available maps is reached (because of some engine/game-specific limit). All this could be better and unless you first fix the flaws and problems there is no real point in adding new.
Ofcourse on the other hand Xreal-ET could be the right base for all this, since the engine is up2date and could be called modern (not only the renderer) since it bases on ioquake etc. If one would make a competition mod ontop of a finished xreal-et (given all the models,maps,textures,animations were done) that could really be a success.
But well I've attempted a similar approach before the Wolf engine was released and even the release didnt change much of the overwhelming artistic workload, which in the end make me drop the project. Unfortunately my expectations are that the artistic workload will also break Xreal-ET's neck on long term just as the once planned Xreal-Game which ended up to "only" be a great engine for the same reasons.
sometimes i wonder if a better ET client can be made (now the source code is released) but to finish ETPro someone needs to persaude banii to give out the source code. Either that or someone has to code a new competition mod which would take a while.
I'd like to see SLAC integrated into the ET client duno if that will happen
and ill be right there :<
And idk if it was you or waki but someone is talking very low.
And you guys have to shoutcast like its a final , be active scream a bit.
Can fix the volume, if you tell me who it was :P
Can't really do much about screaming, I know what you mean, but I can't really scream :d have to think of the people around me! :)