photoshop questionzzzz

Hello crossies!

I am kind of noobish at these things but still..
Whenever I insert a layer and then a picture in the layer, it turns out to be smaller then it should be?
I am not seeing it smaller or something, but it really is.
Can somebody to anything to help me?

Thanks in advance!

problem solved: picture had some problems it was placed into layer of photoshop, then I screen captured it, re-saved it and then it worked
/q garin #supski
alt ctrl c
free transform
well what resolution are you working in, 300 or 72? 72 is for webb stuff but 300 when u going to print it etc
Format your C: drive it always work
ctrl+s, it's always ctrl+s
Check if the size of the picture is the same as the first one. Or free transform with CTRL + T
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