CB > ESL all the way


shoutout group B where team with admin has 3 wins (2 noshows) while playing only 2 games, last team has 4 lost matches in a group of 4 teams and so on and son

also in the case of SL vs PHA where both teams did same time, where we all know screenshot > console, ESL admins had this to say

Quote by Foameamap should have been replayed

need GermanySn4kE back
QuoteDue to our security regulations we must ask you to change your password. In order to keep it secure, we will ask you to change it every 6 months.

image: 79.-I-m-as-mad-as-hell-and-I-m-not-going-to-take-this-anymore!_imagelarge

QuoteESL - This is a Nag Screen -
Dear Killerboy it has been 1462 days since you registered with the ESL[...]

Buy Premium

image: 20100301-scanners-headexplode
Nag screen > all
Nag Screen.

image: pyzamOmgWtf
Foamea trolling hard :DDDDDD
to be fair, theyre both pretty shite
funny we lost our cb offi cuz admin said console > ss
Quote by Killerboy console > screen, it is more accurate as it takes the ms into consideration.
bullshit because when it says "allies couldn't beat the clock" it also shows before the map ends "the allies successfully escaped with the gold. screenshot > console
that's comment Garym8 did on gtv, on SL vs PHA game in ESL, see what he did there? :D
Well if there is 0.3 seconds between the first message "the allies successfully escaped with the gold" and the real end of the round, this lag will occur for both teams (both teams will have a 0.3 sec delay), issuing a draw in , so your argument seems invalid
that only means that the gold was secured 0.3 seconds before the console updated rofl :D you just proved me right.
True ! But the gold was also secured 0.3 seconds before for the first attacking team, you can't say the second attacking team got screwed by a 0.3 second delay and not the first one, which makes my point :P
exactly, so we go on the fact that "the allies escaped with the gold" before the map ended - as well as the fact that it says "allies win" in the screenshot. the console can't deal with the numbers because ET can't say "the objective was reached at 10:31 (original 10:31)". RtCW can, ET can't.
e.g. http://www.own3d.tv/video/16015/MerlinatoR___WL_Premier_XVI (rtcw)

at the end the secured time of the documents is identical to the previous round by the opponent. in ET it would have said they didn't meet it in time, even though they did. which is why screenshot > console :]
I get you but it doesn't seem clear to everyone (including me but it is more since now :D), pity..
well it's good that you understand now =P
console takes in account every ms while end-of-map takes seconds
proof? bani has already concluded in the past that the winner screen is correct :]
I don't remember ever reading bani said something like that

anyway, I remember when we had such a problem on braundorf and asked donex and whoever was main admin 5 years ago and they said to use console
there are a lot of reasons as to why doneX was hated as an admin, there's one of them.
QuoteThe date is too long after the original challenge date.

Can't even fill in the damn results
Foamea trolling hard :DDDDDD
90% of those are even made by admins of either one of those, how unexpected.
check aniky's reply to see that cb makes the same fucking mistakes as esl does. all in all neither of them are perfect (or equally shit like nismo wrote above) and the majority of this community (except for the admins with their childish rivalry) probably doesnt even care whether its hosted by cb or esl as long as its a decent cup and the maplist is okay.
i like them both. ^^
If noone can agree, make an official rule saying that in case of an objective reached in the same second than the first round, the map must be replayed, an fuck ss>console or console>ss
image: 20101230213141karsiahte

which part of "ALLIES WIN!" Francepeople don't get?
The part where the console is MORE ACCURATE than the ss ? I thought there was a clear rule about that, but it seems that it it not fixed. And stop with your hate towards french people, it seems that the debate involve many people from OTHER COUNTRIES ASWELL, fucking dickhead
and seems like only french people think console matters most, if you look in console you will see line "Allies has transmitted both Documents" BEFORE the scores came up, so even console says they lost :)
And you think the lag between the sentence "Allies has transmitted both Documents" and the actual end of the round is not the same for the first attacking team ? LOL make fucking sense
Quote by snoopscreenshot has always been more accurate than console. had the same case back in 2005 or 2006 where they contacted bani and he said that console is a few ms behind.
TedMosby on 02/01/11, 17:32:12 PM | Report | Reply

Quote: Killerboy
console > screen, it is more accurate as it takes the ms into consideration.

Quote TedMosby on 02/01/11, 17:54:28 PM | Report | Reply

Quote: snoop
screenshot has always been more accurate than console. had the same case back in 2005 or 2006 where they contacted bani and he said that console is a few ms behind.

say it again ?
now look who's trolling and hating on ESL <3
Don't quote opposite sentences if you want to make a fucking point
I like it when you're mad <3
bani knows better than KB.
KB trolls better than bani
so he was trolling?
There shouldn't be some1 who knows better than some1 else, there should be a clear rule, or the game developers should precise what we have to take in count. We should not even have to debate about that
yeah well in any case, the creator of the mod we're using for the last 6 years concluded screenshot > console. bibuy
It is obviously not clear and known for everyone, that's my only point here, there should be an official and trusted statement. bibuy :>
and I didn't disagree, but since there is not an overall rule, we follow bani's words over anyone else :> bibuy
well those what shows a better time for attacking team is more accurate. It reacted faster.


who normal play karirsah? on any other normal map u would be fullheld so who rly cares
Sry I don't get your english :s I don't mean to be rude or trolling at all, just telling you
Regardless of this, if it was to be replayed I think they would be a little more organized and would of bum rushed you!
Dude, I was not even playing : P Plus I don't care to see that this story happened to French people, I just commented there cause I found abnormal that what happened could not be clarified earlier
well there are lots of forfeits / dropouts in this season so it's expected to see those kinds of things... maybe the matchweeks should have been postponed a bit due to xmas & new year cause i've seen similar stuff @ 5on5, teams weren't even aware of the match dates and such...
screenshot has always been more accurate than console. had the same case back in 2005 or 2006 where they contacted bani and he said that console is a few ms behind.

*edit* was an esl offi too btw. so i dont get the point why you even have to discuss this topic
translate this to France so certain people will get it
it was 2006 and i did not talk to bani (we tried but he said he had no real knowledge of it) but dersaidin, the creator of adlernest where we had this special "problem"

i just c/p it once again for all:

Quotetrigger checkgame
accum 1 abort_if_not_equal 1
wm_setwinner 1
wait 1500

theres the relevant part of the mapscript.

When it is capped, the first two lines after the "{" execute without a delay (except the ping and the server's physical abilitys - which is irrelivant).
The second line is:
"wm_setwinner 1"
That line makes allies the winner, then theres a 1500ms delay before "wm_endround".
"wm_endround" obviously ends the round.

If the timelimit is hit during that 1500 second delay, then the console will say "Timelimit hit" then do a "wm_endround".
But, if that happens - the "wm_endround" is done by the timelimit being hit insead of the command in the script after the wait, then "wm_setwinner 1" is already done (which means it is set so that allies flags on the screen BEFORE the wait).

What this comes down to is that allies DID cap. But in the small delay after capping, the round ended which gave the "Timelimit hit" message.

Do allies did cap, go with the screen.

In the final version of adlernest, which I might add is being finished up, I'll remove the delay and hopefully that problem will never occur again.

As for the end to apparently take a different length of time, first of all, thats timescale 0.1 - so the times are actually 1.6... seconds and 1.3....

Theres only a .3 second difference.
I would put this down to net lag or server lag or something.
I cant see a way this could possibly be caused by a fault in the map/mapscript (assuming your using an official mapscript both rounds).

I think you'll find that it applies to all maps. screen > console.

Feel free to post that explaination wherever

some admin confirmed our win so i dont care what an other esl admin wrote @ irc
And do you remember the lag during few secondes that prevent me from putting the obj earlier?

We even had to pause because of it, if you were on my shoes, don't you think you would protest?
Your shoes that ugly?
blade was 3 mins afk at the start from the match, but we didnt pause. Did we complain afterwards?
you didn't pause, it is your problem. But there has been a lag for everybody.
well, you lost. Face it like a man or keep crying like a baby :)
I really don't care about losing against you cause it was expected you would win. But since we almost hold you, I'm just disappointed to lose by this way whereas a lot of people are claiming : console > screen.

Anyway, your not obliged to say "kee crying", it's like you have no arguments or something.
the only good thing at esl is haxball <.<
screenshot is what matters as far i can remember
yea new way to go into playoffs,giving noshow win to yourself on all your matches :DDDDDDDD

at least killerboy played them and gave himself forfeit after match :o)

Resume:l4z and foamea are really retarded guys :|
i always wondered how l4z can be ESL admin :D
Who else should answer to all those support tickets?
Robaciek acting pro hahahahahahhahahahaahahahaha
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