no rendering + exporting
31 Jan 2011, 16:37
i'm exporting some movies on CS3 premiere pro and i just want to ask u something.
First of all i didnt make any serach on google just cus atm it's not important i just want an input from someone that works as i do on premiere: i edited some movies and now i'm exporting without done a rendering of anyone of them. This cause some lost quality in the final video ? or during the exporting it does also rendering ?...
just to know
First of all i didnt make any serach on google just cus atm it's not important i just want an input from someone that works as i do on premiere: i edited some movies and now i'm exporting without done a rendering of anyone of them. This cause some lost quality in the final video ? or during the exporting it does also rendering ?...
just to know
nou ist genoeg he
i wondered if there is still bif differences from no render + exporting the render + exporting.. (the only thing i know is that rendering and exporting after takes just less time)