SSD hard drives

Would like to here user feedback if you have any. I m in need of good advice to choose a good one. Manufacturer? Type? Warranty? Problems? (Yes i did read reviews, but still...)

Because of the price and capacity issues i m not sure what's a good size for SSD drive.

At the moment i m stucked to buy Crucial RealSSD c300 Sata 2.5" 64GB. it's ~150€.

thx for advices.
lowmed <3
heard good things about intel. no personal experience though.
latest Intel, Kingston or OCZ SSDs. Using a OCZ Vertex2 128gb in my macbook and it's just like a charm (10s bootup, 5sec shutdown, insane copy/paste speeds and startspeed of programs (like 20sec for a 2GB photoshop file without starting photoshop before) - even if it comes pricey ~190€.
60GB OCZ Vertex 2E
Why do you need an ssd drive? None are worth their price atm, wait until they are mainstream
still @ IDE for OS. you need more explanations?
solution: move o/s to sata
$100 gets you 32gb in ssd vs 2tb in hdd, only a ~20 second boot time difference
already having 1TB SATA storage and going to buy another 1TB tomorrow and maybe also that SSD too.
Depends what you need it for? 64gb is quite a lot if you're just using it for a couple of games.
Well that's the problem. Not sure if i put there nothing more than OS + Antivirus softwares + stuff that actually run till the PC is shut down.
Not gonna be a storage hd at all.
Personally, on that alone I'd not bother getting a SSD that large.
I use the 60GB OCZ Vertex 2E for main programs and OS, like CS5, Office etc.
This keeps the speed to optimum. I would recommend using Win64 for it tho.

From some site:

DO NOT run Defrag on a SSD, Turn auto run off (win 7 should turn it off by default, but verify)

Some tips on using SSD:
Increase System Speed
Disable indexing
Description: Indexing creates and maintains a database of file attributes. This can lead to multiple small writes when creating/deleting/modifying files. Searching for files will still work.
Instructions: Start Menu -> Right-Click Computer -> Manage -> Services and Applications -> Services - > Right-Click Windows Search -> Startup type: Disabled -> OK

Disable defragmentation
Description: Defragmenting a hard disk's used space is only useful on mechanical disks with multi-millisecond latencies. Free-space defragmentation may be useful to SSDs, but this feature is not available in the default Windows Defragmenter.
Instructions: Start Menu -> Right-Click Computer -> Manage -> Services and Applications -> Services - > Right-Click Disk Defragmenter -> Startup type: Disabled -> OK

Disable Write Caching
Description: There is no cache on the SSD, so there are no benefits to write caching. There are conflicting reports on whether this gains speed or not.
Instructions: Start Menu -> Right-Click Computer -> Manage -> Device Manager -> Disk drives -> Right-Click STEC PATA -> Properties -> Policies Tab -> Uncheck Enable write caching -> OK

Configure Superfetch
Description: Frees up RAM by not preloading program files.
Instructions: On second glance, I would recommend leaving this one alone. However, there are some customizations that you can follow in the post below.

Free up extra drive space
Disable the Page File (Better Yet, set your virtual memory to your Mecanical HHD, NOTE I left some virtual memory ON)
Description: Eliminate writing memory to the SSD, free over 2GB of disk space. Warning - If you run out of memory the program you're using will crash.Instructions: Start Menu -> Right-Click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Settings (Performance) -> Advanced Tab -> Change -> Uncheck Automatically manage -> No paging file -> Set -> OK -> Restart your computer
Alternatively, if you want to play it safer, you can set a custom size of 200MB min and max.

Disable System Restore
Description: Don't write backup copies of files when installing new programs or making system changes. Can free up between a few hundred MB to a couple GB. Warning - Although unlikely, if a driver installation corrupts your system, there won't be an automatic way to recover.
Instructions: Start Menu -> Right-Click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> System Protection Tab -> Configure -> Turn off system protection -> Delete -> OK

Disable Hibernate
Description: You may free up 1GB of space on the SSD if you have 1GB of memory, 2GB of space if you have 2GB memory. You will lose the hibernation feature which allows the equivalent of quick boots and shutdowns.
Instructions: Start Menu -> Type cmd -> Right-Click the cmd Icon -> Run as Administrator -> Type powercfg -h off -> Type exit
Wouldnt bother.
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