photoshop edit

when i want to add some effects to tga files, whith batch actions..blbalba
ik wont get on the other screeshots because the locker thing is on
image: slotjeor1
how do i get it off?
ja uh boeie fetsie kontenkletsie
right click on it, make layer from background or something like that
i'm not sure, but imo you have to open a new document (white background) and paste your screenshot or whatever on it.That way it's not locked.

i think... :)
right click, duplicate layer
ye but it works on the first image, second not because its in the action...
Just insert "make layer from background" (like CuttyP mentioned) into the action where it's needed.
PS is n1 for some effects if you know how to make the effect for all screenshots btw :P.
haha noob
Double click it, then it will become a normal layer and ask you for zhe name!
ja fets nu weet ik het zeker je maakt een fragmovie!
waiting for the movie
haha kan je lang wachten :D
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