Firefox tabs

Since two days ago my firefox wont open new tabs when I click the + button! Anyone else got this problem and how can I solve it.. Also, I'm not downloading any other browser. :p
download firefox 3.0
does ctrl+t work?
nope it doesnt work :S
download another browser
press ctrl + t :p
reinstall it maybe???????????
double click the space next to the tab
I have same prob, ctrl + t or double-tap won't work, only that "+" icon there, or mouse3 via some link.
tools > options > tabs
There is no option for that, I guess it went away with recent update and they want me to update to ff4. Guess I have to, though ctrl + d doesn't work on it yet :/
seems like the feuerfuchs-administration made something wrong... ;/
with firefox 4, mozilla is getting better and better at copying opera
so wich is the nicest and the safest and the nicest of them all browsers? :)
e: btw the lag at startup and on connect at slac = fixed.
i don't really know, but i don't consider opera unsafe.. at least not less safe than other browsers. opera had tons of features before all other browsers that have simply been copying it for years already, it's just that mozilla has been relatively fast at doing it compared to other browser developers so it got popular.. considering how much opera have invented in browser world, i don't understand why it didn't get popular
wow mr. seems like you ARE an opera fan from the start! but you are right with the rest. hope OP gets better!
it's easy lol.

great marketing and leaders behind Firefox.

Only nerds who know shit about economy and marketing @ opera :D
these and these numbers make no sense to me, i guess it's lack of good marketing or something
had the same mate, had to disable an add-on for it to work, just fuck about with them and it will kick back in.
working ok here:S
had the same, so I installed FF4
download firefox 4
Have you ever tried like google chrome?

At least do you guys know if it is good or bad?
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