online playlist?

ello guys,

so i was wondering if you know a good site where you can create your own playist, which you can share with your friends like for example on facebook or something?

it is pretty important, that you can also upload songs by yourself from your computer to that playlist not only the given songs which are available on the site, as i have some pretty unknown bands and songs which are somehow hard to find on the internet.

thanks for your help, enjoy your weekend!

2 first google links, now learn how to internet
hope not
otherwise u music obsessed people are gonna spam my facebook with what YOU think is good music
nice chain breaking
grooveshark owns.
no clue though whether you can upload your own stuff.
this looks pretty interesting, i'll check that out. thanks :)
its also nice since you can download songs in decent quality (unlike youtube) with a tool like orbit downloader
is it for free or do you need this premium accoun for that which i gues so? and i have seen you can even upload your own songs from pc which is pretty great, thanks for that site ;)
well you can use the page for free and listen to songs and stuff, to create a playlist which is saved and which you can access from another place/pc you gotta register afaik. but its still for free i think.
well is there any possibility to share your playlist? like with a link to that playlist or something?
don't know, i guess you'll just have to give it a try :D
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