LeBlanc YOU MID?
9 Apr 2011, 23:19
"and for my next magic trick, I'll make your life-bar disappear."
Demo for fanboys: http://leaguecraft.com/replays/144-leblanc-the-assassin-28-0-10-5v5.xhtml
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
check it, ranked game
prove it?
Elo should be reseted when season2 will come in, not a off season :q
but we will see.
btw my engrish ftw.
EDIT: WTH, who was this blitzcrank Oo
EDIT²: and how the hell were you able to loose this game Oo
and dno how we lost it :D
4 squishies under 2-3k health
stupid items on blitzcrank
they probably had a master yi or some other backdoor in the game, or just tanky dps/off tanks
tho i normally dont buy 2 pd (since games usually arent longer than 70 mins), rather some magic resistence and if theres enough money i buy 1pd by selling shoes for it.
A bad game overall, sucky setups on both sides and they were simply horrible, gj on owning scrubs ;)
And LeBlanc aint easy to play at a higher level
Also usually they get around 100 cs by 20 minutes; do you think the laning phase is so long with these guys? LeBlanc doesn't farm ANYTHING after the laning phase. She doesn't have a single AoE spell that she can efficiently use unless fed like crap and even then they should save it up for a possible battle.
I mean, after all I won against you! ;D
luckly i have kogmaw^____^