Music Library

How does one sort his music?

Label, Artist, Genre or something else?

Gimme ideas how to decently sort my music in a fast way :)

image: music1
By hand, you lazy fuckwad. This is barely a music collection.
mr H true

music collections are growing over years! (until your HD dies and you have to start it again)

e: you can sort every album with Winamp. if you are using another prog...i dont now how to do
e2: how about to sort it yourself...its worth it.
e3: "girl music????!!!!
girl music

didnt say, was just asking
<3 dnb mostly
dude! just sort it yourself you lazy bum!
I could delete 187 albums right now and still have ten times as many albums as this.

QuoteThis is barely a music collection.
:D my hdd crashed like 5 weeks ago

but on my old hdd i never kinda sorted them and in the end i was 2 lazy :S
Use Winamp:

Ctrl+A -> Right click -> Send to -> Auto-Tagger (Or something along the lines)
I got 200gb music and dont really know how to sort it wisely :(
lots of crap there so have to scroll a lot, and I more prefer genre over artist, but its hard to use as sort.
even though there is no use sorting those 3 albums, artists is the way to go ofc.
i sort them on alfabetic order like you have now (kinda) but instead of loose maps all over the place i got them in a row, from top to bottom, A - Z

now thats how you roll bitch
I used to have A-Z Folders, and in those folders for every artist. but i format every once in a while and itunes can just add one folder at the time or so, so now i have all my music just in one folder.

image: FRKbN
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