Saturday night question #2

So, I have basically no understanding about these things(except I know what they do, but dunno the differences etc), and I would like to know couple of things:




First line:
I think it doesn't matter which one to use since movie file will be .avi.

Second line:
No crops pls, its clear.

Third line:
Hasn't this something to do with colours, so why 12, why not 24? Or any difference actually etc?

Fourth line:
Most important for me. So, which one method is actually more powerful/better in terms of quality? Also, what those numbers are actually meaning? I know that its resizing pictures to those amount of pixels, but why? What is the meaning of it? When it is resizing, when its inputting them or wut? Why not 1280,720?

Or is there any better combinations in terms of quality? Something else you would like to say?
as the majority of posts you'll get is gonna be trash ill just go ahead:
its time for EXTRA sambal. right now. kapsalon met extra sambal. in one word: quality.

didnt help much but now at least u know whats considered quality food.
this comment is full with pure truth
GOt o sleep
lancoz = best resize but more cpu

you could resize to any x,y you want... i don't really understand where your problem is, if you want your clips to be the size of the source then don't have a resize in, if you want to resize the clip to a specific resolution then have a resize
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