iTunes problem

hello there,
so I just bought a new iPod Touch 32 GB from a friend of my,
and it seemslike it synchronises my music really really slow.
I was just wondering if got some wrong settings set or if it's normal since it's
the first time I use it on my pc.

Love Hizako.
could you be a little more specific please? :]
* USB 1.0: 1,5 Mbit/s (low speed);
* USB 1.1: 12 Mbit/s (full speed);
* USB 2.0: 480 Mbit/s (high speed);
* USB 3.0: 5 Gbit/s (super speed; 2009).
wow, thanks both.
Didn't knew anything about that.
Just got to find the right one now [?]
did you plug in your ipod on a usb 2.0

cause usb 1.1 is like 8x slower or more then 2.0

switching usb ports could also help cause i had the same problem i think a few months back, even though all my other ports are 2.0

also are you file transferring with other external hdd data or so ?
I changed my usb a few times but I can't notice a big diffrence,
what do you mean with "also are you file transferring with other external hdd data or so ?"
Not really that good with computer stuff ;]
ben je toevallig met een externe hard disk ook bestanden aant uitwisselen met je harde schijf van je pc ?

probeer eens te rebootten, dat kan ook helpen

mss ook eens kijken als je itunes laatste versie is

hoe oud is je pc ?
ja de pc is niet meer in zo'n goede staat,
de iTunes versie is up to date & Vuze en dat soort dingen staan allemaal uit (als
je dat bedoelt :D). Hij is nu bijna volledig gesynchroniseert (na een heel weekend)
dus ik denk dat ik hem volgende week is een paar weken terug ga zetten om te zien of het dan beter gaat, alvast bedankt! :)
Probably normal, moving stuff over to an iPod touch is slower than transferring between hard drives (or even between the older, hard drive-based iPods). Especially during that first sync, where you have to copy tonnes of stuff at once.
Use a program called media monkey, it's a lot faster for me.
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