brink, no thanks

Just played and streamed a little bit of Brink and it's not going to be the next ET. The gameplay just feels shit and also the movement is something to cry about ;_; ET4life. Glad I didn't buy it *WINK WINK* fu black ops and wolfenstein ;(
QuoteJust played and streamed a little bit of Brink and it's not going to be the next ET

wonder why they called it Brink and not ET2?
he means that he will not start playing brink instead of ET competitively
Remembers me a of few months ago when people were excited for Brink to be the new ET, just stated it's not going to be the new ET >_>
was there more than a pro-mod can solve?
Doubt it, it's just the feeling of the movement and gameplay. That's not something a promod can fix, but ye, thats my opinion :)
you'll play it anyway, you play everything
who cares
wolfenstein <3
16:41:13 @grzesiek • Frop has just deleted your journal;
16:41:13 @grzesiek • Quote brink again
16:41:13 @grzesiek • Reason: Go be mad somewhere else.

Ati_ looks mad, I expect that this journall will also be removed
i bet u disliked it cause there's no rifle for u? :')
oh, oké, ati praccing trickshots 24/7 on a priv server
Uhm no :P I like Wolfenstein and there was no rifle in it, I love cod and cs too, so no :P
oké aad ;)

Go play a 5on5 on ETMain and tell me what you actually think of ET WIHTOUT any changes.
You are a wise man Potty.
At the end of the day, people will have to open their eyes and see that ET is heading nowhere. Yes, we both know that there are LANs, but is that really getting teams playing? Im playing at LAN and haven't had a clan prac since like AEF last year :|

On a side note, you getting it?
It looks pretty fun. I think I will pick it up.
I mean for £25 I don't know why people are bitching. Fair enough if people don't have a job or are still a student. But to the majority of the community who have some sort of job £25 is like 6 pints of beer.
Yeah, the multiplayer looks decent. I'll still play and enjoy it, even if I don't expect to prefer it to ET.
Exactly the sam opinion. But now, I am bored of ET. It is inactive and just gunna get worse. Needed a new teambased game to play and here is one for me to play!
u told me u practice every night :D
*planning on practising 4 nights a week leading up to lan. Haven't pracced yet because we are sorting out 1 more player :)
cu@lan nerd
kk, welsh knob! :D
thats the spirit!
it was fun and had potential
open your eyes bro brink is shit
Seriously, have you ever played ETMain? Everything is fucked and if I would of played that before another Mod I would NEVER of got into ET.

I dislike playing ET and it is about time to move to a different game. There are about 5 active players in the community (Hello b2k) and if you do play 5on5's I bet you haven't played more than 8 different teams recently.
ye i played i enjoyed it on pubs a lot.
I agree that et is dead but it has nothing to do with brink being shit. Go play sc2 so you have an idea how a good game looks like!
Why would I play starcraft2 when I dislike playing that sort of game? I prefer playing FPS's so I will buy an FPS.

You make zero sense and I cannot see what you are trying to build your arguement around. I am sorry if it is not what you expected because rather than being "ET2" it is "Brink"
blah pointless to argue with you, lets see how succesful brink is in 1 month :)
So in a months time it is either. Damn, that game sucked, cost me a whole 6 beers to play 8 hours and see it flop.


This game is going well and it only cost me £25.
poor you i could have 40 beers for it :D
But you would have to work 6000 hours to make that :)
so true :(((
Why not? Its what happened with ET:QW.
Hi, let's play brink.
Saw you in brink.wars chan! :D
Yup! Now give me friday :(
Indeed, looking forward to it. Just like I looked forward to COD4, COD:mw2, L4D2 +more! Still play and love most of those games :)
I have never played games like CoD (ofc I mean multiplayer). L4D2 is good game to play with friends. I will start playing Brink like I started playing ET long time ago. Don't care about people who say that it's 'shit' etc etc. It's funny that they were expecting next ET or other game.

E: Oh wait I've got mw2 on ps3.
I prefer playing games with people I know. Seeing as Many people are moving away from ET to play brink... I am sure I will like it.
Ye and let's hope that they won't act like others. Cya on the battlefield !
Take care son :)
pritty much the best statement i ve read today!
its indeed useless to judge the game on default mode.
It's quite funny to see how people expect this game to be "the saviour for ET players" I like the look of brink for what it is. A new game! I buy games that I like the look of. I didn't pre-order it because I want to play ET-2. Hell if ET wasn't free it would of had about 17 people buy the game when released.

People just need to either accept the fact that many ET players will move accross because ET in it's current state is SHIT.
well i dont blame people for that menatilty...
its obvious why they think like that since there was the step of the developers towards us to bring in our ideas and since we all love et, pretty much all the ideas of ET got included into Brink (or where supposed to). There just remains the fact that they wanted to serve the wishes of a few different communities (also the console ones, who re even a bigger market than the PC players afaik)... which means that the game is not exactly ET, its a mix with many et features and as most important - as you have already said - it is a new game!

i m looking forward to give it a shot and as you also correctly said, there definitley has to be a customization for the competitive gameplay!
Well, I hope to see you there then :)
Quotemany ET players will move accross because ET in it's current state is SHIT.

so why are you still playing? :D
Because I am set to play at lan in just over a month. I want to keep some sort of activity in the game. After that I plan on playing other games as ET is boring for me now.
so dont go to lan = problem solved? :D
Sorry potty, I don't agree with you on this one :(

6on6 on ETMain actually is really refreshing and back2basics. Done it a month ago for fun and it was really good :')
Maybe to a few people who have played and loved ET for years. But for what people like ATI are looking for in a game it doesn't match up. He wants ET2 which this isn't. He said it's shit, which he can have his opinion on, but that is because he is basing his views from an ETPro perspective.

ETMain was truely shit. The hitboxes were fucked, there was bugs everywhere and as a stand alone would NOT of worked competitively.
I agree to this potty.
That is because you actually played ETMain. Most people class ETMain as Jaymod or ETPub. Both of which HEAVILY fixed bugs.

If every ET player was to be told that LANs, CB + ESL were all ETMain from now on. What percentage would carry on playing?
If it's 6on6 I might consider a quick comeback. Level 4 fops ftw! :)
Haha, I cannot even remember what level 4 gives you?
double airstrike, endless arty, no?
Found out that level 4 gives you the ability to get teh "disguiised enemy" when a covert is in one of your teams suits!
no thats gamesense, like ability to see mines
he's actually right, game sense is mines, fops is seeing when an enemy covert is undercover :))
double strike is lvl 3 :D
Combined with a full bar when you did /kill = complete barrage of goldrush by 2 fops :)
Ye, double airstrikes, longer arties and those megha ammo packs with 2 nades!

Akimbo Lugers were nice as well :D
too bad you only used them at publics...

Maybe he's just looking for certain aspects to be a part of the game for him to like it, why does that necessarily make him "compare Brink to ET"
This is you 3rd negitive reply about Brink and the way I have answered to people's negativity. I am guessing your PC cannot handle it or you cant affrd the game right now?
QuoteThis is you 3rd negitive reply about Brink


Quoteand the way I have answered to people's negativity.

True, cause I think you make assumptions without any reason, which Im not used to coming from you.

QuoteI am guessing your PC cannot handle it or you cant affrd the game right now?

Neither, sorry.
My assumptions? Wait what? My replies are 90% agaist people assumeing things here. I am clearly stating people are MAD because it is NOT ET2. (which is what people were expecting) I am simply telling people how it is.
Quote(which is what people were expecting)

This looks like an assumption to me. Or do you have the ability to look into every CF user's brain? :)
QuoteJust played and streamed a little bit of Brink and it's not going to be the next ET.

For example.
He might have meant "its not the next ET" as in "its not a new game Im willing to spend 16 hours a day on that has me addicted like ET did"
After watching his stream I know this is not what he means. He was bitching and moaning throughout the stream saying there is nothing that is in the game you can relate to ET with.
So he has nothing to relate to, which is why he doesnt like it? I dont play games I cant relate to either, why would anyone?
BUT, you still can't grasp onto the fact that it was said by the BRINK DEVELOPERS, yes the people who make the fucking game... ' WE WANT TO TAKE THE BEST THINGS FROM ET' and give it that ET feeling... now... where the fuck are these features and feel?

Please... you keep saying the same shit...


they said it was going to be just like ET ffs.. lol seriously what more information do you need?
Comment Ignored (+)

Don't know what you put but I am going to guess that it is about BRINK being shit.

Your IQ level is that of most vegatables. Go talk to some Carrots, I am sure they have some funny stories for you.
No, I wasn't slating BRINK.. in fact I actually have the fucking game, but I haven't even downloaded it yet... my laptop won't cut it.. so I may get console version before updating hardware....

You obv read... but still... you fail to give a valid point as to why not to expect ET2 after they said it would basically be... and that's not taking it out of context.
Gunna guess that you're either trying to say I am more stupid than you OR that your being childish + saying "bet you clicked it" Because I didn't.

You're an idiot stop replying to me because even your name has "jobless dick" written all over.

I don't care that your DOLE money cannot buy you this after your 40 bottles or white lightning.
Yeah totally... I really do claim dole and do drink white lightning, I claim my benefits every week and are an alcoholic... get over yourself. Just because I'm good looking, the ladies look at me, I have knowledge about comps in general and enjoy playing 360 don't be another jelly member. You do not know how to have a serious convo without having to act childish and ignore comments and not give valid points.
Comment Ignored (+)

I am guessing now, after your drunk on your cheap cider, you are ranting about how you succeeded in life and how shit mine must be. I wish I was in your boat and could claim off the government and not have to go into work BUT between me and my partner we make above the limit on claiming (£40,000 per annum) You will probably come back with a smart remark like "I AM A PROFFESIONAL MANAGER OF FINANCE THAT SPECIALISE IN LOANING MARKETING AND LAWYERS" You're probably not what you say you are. I guess, at most, you sweep the streets part time.

You might not reply right away because your still trying to get that story out of a carrot. Which would NOT suprise me in the slightest.
Oh yes very likely. I do speak to carrots ofc I do, who doesn't.

You see nerd rage is [ON], wow 40k between you both. Let me guess she makes more than you. And oh my, sweep the streets? LOL... I'm the one with the qualifications and IT skills bro, don't you forget that. I never ever talk to people the way I do towards you, what does that make you? Last time I was drunk or stoned was a long time ago. Oh.. and with a name like potty and many pictures of you stoned, who's the chav...

I could give you a big list of why I', BETTER THAN YOU AT EVERYTHING but I won't... you obviously read the comments.

And no I had to do family stuff, which it looks like you do not contribute to. Being a father you should of matured and grown up, at least a bit.

I am broadening my knowledge and currently waiting for my CISCO application to come back, which will come back with my delight. Let me search for CISCO jobs.. oh wait 160k a per anum... looks like Mr 40k between isn't looking so fucking hot now, hey?

Seriously, go to your GF, go to your kid... spend some time with them, have fun... stop whining on the internet about ignoring comments...
dont be such an ego idiot wannabe ethug bullshittin others and mark em as something they are not..
even if they it any of your bussiness?
I know you wanna be cool and shit but seriously man you gotta take your ethug act, yourself and gtfo to chillout.

People get somewhat mad ofc cuz they expect something which was said and it ain't there. Let em put out the shit and feel better. And if you are really as smart as you state for yourself..then let it go and dont bullshit on every guy you come across.

And one more thing stop talking and hintin on how smart you are and your IQ being ah so awesome...rather prove it with your acts..
oi, u mincer. what's your name on irc? can't fucking find u! :D
just as inteligent reply as i expected from you.
For a start, that made no sense to me... Secondly there will NEVER be an "ET 2" or "RTCW 2" or "ET LIVE" or whatever. Get over it, everyone on this site and everyone in the ET scene has to realise this is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN TO A NEW GAME (especially nowadays). They might say "yea sure it's ET 2 and all that bollocks and they might promote it like that but at the end of the day we all knew it wasn't going to be anything like ET.

Don't get me wrong I would probably love a "new ET" if it came out but I've kind of given up on that now seeing as there isn't any point in trying to revive this kind of a scene...
Ye, the developers even said in their Q&A sessions that this would be for the masses, and that not everything people wanted would be there.

So if anyone has expectations of a new ET, they've not read up (which is fair enough, ofc) and/or are probably mental.
Well I haven't read a single thing about brink, I actually ignored the entire "buzz" about the game because I had a PC that was too shite to run it at the time! But now I have my new PC I'm starting to pay more attention to it. Still though even when I wasn't reading about it I still didn't think it was going to be anything like ET :D
Yeh, well I guess you have some common sense. SD want to make money, ET2 is not going to be that opportunity.
The BRINK forum topic that was posted on here said that it would take the best things from ET. This to me seems to be untrue, Potty is just a cunt and think he is sooo funny. He hates ET and checking his recent comments proves it to me. He is just a whiner and doesn't like it when he doesn't get his own way. He's basically a chav who lives at home with his parents and has a GF and a kid. He probably commits benefit fraud and moans at everyone else and accuses everyone of being on benefits because he is a scrounger himself.
Well, if you don't think it has taken "the best parts of ET" and used them in Brink then explain to me how you think they haven't done this seeing as you haven't played it on the PC yet and seeing as you have only watched a stream running in third person because (apparently) it isn't possible to spectate through first person at the moment (also the stream doesn't have anybody describing or giving any real detail to what the fuck is going on, whether it plays well and whatever we have already been over)

Also, about Potty. It sounds to me as if you are just a bit gutted at how badly he has plowed over you with his last comment because he is far from a benefit thief and he is far from a cunt who lives with his parents with his lass and kid... Also I doubt he is a massive bellend who drinks cheap tins on a park bench with trackies on looking like (let's face it) a massive twat.
Of course he doesn't, in real life I'm sure he's a class guy. He is just a flamer who just WHINES and WHINES and acts like a chav. He constantly talks about benefits and chavs, making me think he is either obsessed with them or he is one of them.

Every convo I've had with him, he acts like a dick.
there is RTCW 2, its Wolfenstein! x)


See what ya did there!!! :D
Objectives. Classes that are required to complete the objectives. Stopwatch. Isn't that fundamentally what makes ET? There are lots of things that make ET the game it is, but I think those are definitely up there. Along with respawn times, which is something also implemented.
No this is not enough. It needs the exact same 5 classes. It needs the same maps. It needs They might of just released ET on a CD and steam with a new front cover!

Wouldn't bother talking to this peasent. He is drunk from his white lightning + high on his home grown weed. Plus he is probably busy trying to get a story out of a carrot because I told him to and he is that fucking stupid :D:D:D:D:D
Potty has some obvious problems, what a shame. Like I've been trying to say and you're the only one who has even given it a try; what features have been taken from ET and put into this game?

- Defend, escort etc... that is not just ET though, and seeing videos it seems very much TF2 stylie with a bit of objective play
- Stopwatch...

These are just a form of game mode, not a feature of ET. This is not the best thing about ET. What about maps? Weapon spread, speed, some physics, HUD etc... nothing has been taken that I can see. It will not succeed as a competitive game. The only reason CSS succeeded was because 1.6 players were bored of 1.6.

Potty can't get it into his head, I'm not slating BRINK, I actually have purchased it, I'm just wondering what they have taken from ET and put into it. A game mode and stopwatch which isn't just available in ET is not the best part of ET, seriously.

He hates ET and would be more than happy to agree that ET is shit and hasn't taken the best things from RtCW, although not true. He is a hypocrite and will change his mind by next week.
Whilst I don't agree with you about Potty at all, I do appreciate that you don't believe that they've taken anything from ET.

However, if you where expecting the same HUD/same physics, or even something particularly similar, then that's a shame. They've been clear about the movement from the start (although some people report it's not smooth, and then again some say it's fine). Regarding the HUD.. does that matter? I'd rather have SW than ET's HUD - which I think is fine, but nothing amazing.

What makes ET itself is still the required teamplay. This teamplay is from the class and objective system. Brink seems to add in some random shit that probably isn't great for competition (revive times, self revives), and the ironsight was both announced and explained by the creators. TF2, although comparable in some ways (Turrets, look(?)), is nothing like this - yes I've played it.
Wrong, I don't want ET2 at all. I'm just saying it's not going to be the next 'ET game'. I liked Wolfenstein alot and I still do, but the majority didn't, else I would've been playing that. So no, I was not expecting that Brink would've been ET2, I'm judging it by actual gameplay.
K4F Brink Public
pmme on xfire, got a SICK website being made :D
Oh that website of which im already an admin? ;)
Nope, better!
sounds good actually. avi!
Did you even think before it's going to be the "next ET"? LOL.
patches and promod will fix a lot of stuff and I am sure it will be a decent game, tho I don't see a long future of this game.
As I saw some hours of the gameplay and even downloaded the game i have to say i'd play the game if my pc could handle it on a decent level.
promod cannot into steam i think
well that would fuck the game up then!
The king has spoken.

Cancelled my order.
people are getting so mad over this game :)
Stop feeding in brink!
MAG is better than blackops anyway
I've enjoyed ET from the outset and not looking for it's replacement, because honestly, there won't be one (for myself). All I'm looking for when I first play it is decent netcode/a decent backbone (i.e. the engine behaves as it should). If that's the case then it could be made competitive with a mod or two.

..If not I'll probably still play it on publics occasionally. If the game stays active for a few months, then I'll have got my monies worth.
how can i test it?
focus on et, no way I allow u to get any worse in there cuz of another new game u play!

bist wieder aktiv?
not yet, just looking for smth else than work - anyway, ive to play brink from friday evening!
how can i play it? without buying?
dunno, just buy it... o_O
for all the faggots expecting a game to be like Et in the following years, stop hoping and hating.
You just have to learn how to play another game with another gameplay, instead of camping a 2003 shit game full of cheaters.
up for a game of bops m8?
I play a million games and I can safely say that Brink is shit, your comment is invalid.
ordered it today, can't rly tell if this game is shit or not, HOWEVER ! What was your feeling at ur first hours of ET ? Were you 100% for this game didn't u find any bad points ? You guys don't believe in improvments updates.
If it's about gameplay then it's your own taste.
And you're playing many games : HoN , LoL ? AH AH AH
Name a game and I played it. I know within the first 10 minutes in playing a game if I'm going to have fun playing it for a long while or not, and yes, ET was fun from the start. I guess it has some flaws in the beginning, but it still was fun. Unlike this game, which was shit from the start. Even Wolfenstein was more fun even if it had a million bugs in it.
i hope ID make an better Wolfenstein
starcraft 2 & ql = winrar :D

Well, seems like it defintly doesn't suit you. Waiting to play this game to give a review, but 10 mins to decide ? rofl

Wait ! Did u play angry birds ? ( awesome gameplay )
Angrybirds is awesome ^,^ Im open to new games, but this is just.. shit :D
Focus on sc2 bro, im going to get to diamond before you do!
Have you a good pc ? because I've a good feeling with mine. But you have to test a littlebit to be objective. For example I like some brink weapon some are really nervous.
I did test and yes, my pc is good enough to run brink (can even stream while playing). The feeling of movement and shooting is just .. BLEH D:
brink, no thanks
brink, no thanks
Quoteit's not going to be the next ET

i sure hope brink is going to be the next brink.
where did you download it? :*)
brink stink fink link mink tink wink pink kink sink
sup with all this brink hate?

game looks fun and gonna buy it :))
ET <3 ;_;
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