Goldrush Tank FPS lag

After yesterdays LAN I was surprised I didn't had any lag on the courtyard during the last stage of goldrush. Now I'm back home and I've checked it again, as soon the tank drives into the wall on the bridge, it starts dropping to around 90fps (max on 125) and this is without any players in the server.

image: btjepztgl6h7fmemv

Now I did had to change my PC yesterday which had stable FPS at the courtyard since the power supply failed :( I got another PC which DID lag on the courtyard, now I'm wondering, why? :| When in a 5on5 situation it drops to 60-70 fps :(

Edit: The fps drops do persist after the tank hits the wall and only happens if there are players on the server. On a empty server it stays capped at 125 :/
dunno cant help u!

2kills is awesome
its common issue
I know, just looking for a possible solution :(
I have the code for C# to fix this problem. For anyone with scripting knowledge (.bat).... if you write him a .bat script with freeing up memory and then launching ET with forced memory parameter it will fix the problem.
It's part of ET Affinity which will be released at v1.5 when I have time. I do not release code, but I just said what to do... even Google would be able to help you there :P.
It's at the tutorial section.

You need .NET Framework 4.0
Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5 billion dollars... hahahaha, idiots!!!! They could have downloaded it for free!
i lag when the tak hits the wall, same goes to adler when the sides of the bridge get crashed
It's because when something unexpected happens in game(like tank got in place), the game engine 'thinks' that whole game is going to crash, and forces all engine related things back to default(90fps) to protec your game.

Some random .pk3 files don't have this 'errorcorrectionmechanism' and thats why some people have 125fps.

Deal with it.
Ok, but it persists after the tank hits the wall, so basically as soon I watch the courtyard it drops.
Sorry, basically you got just trolled :/
Play with 50-90 fps on grush and there's no problem...
If it's stable, sure, but it's hopping alot ;(
SILENCE! Eat my bamboo! :)
dude i didnt knew that sd added grush into Brink this game is so cooool
ask joshua or saken for some external software, and Im sure you wont slightest thing.
Got exactly the same problem.. If you find a fix lemme know!
the problem has something to do with the players ati! :o
Used to have this on my old pc. Could get 100fps most of the time, but at that stage it always dropped. Not long after my fps started going down more as my pc seemed to give up on me. Ended up playing with 30fps. Not to alarm you, but for me only a new pc helped.
Same happens me but it levels out afterwards
same here... awesome 30 fps on grush courtyard!

100 stable on all the other maps
wow, u got a shit pc, my pc is like 9years old, and i got 125 xD
pc is not the best and with some tweaks i guess i could get 125 aswell i guess, but thats not the point, im fine with stable 100... its just that last stage on grush where it drops down to 30!

so annoying
noway, it cant drop under 50 :) when i had 43 fps on all maps, i had 39fps when that happend.
its easily under, when i go out 2nd arch and look up the bridge its at 35fps max.

but only when the tank is through, w/o tank it is stable 100fps.
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