
So, i reformatted my computer etc. and fine.. I went to install itunes so that i could add some music to my Ipod and then my cd-drive decided to stop working.. I did a system restore before the installation and now with no itunes its working fine...

Has anyone had a problem like this or know of an alternative program to updating your ipod, ty =d

image: wham
link :( cant find it
You are probably doomed to use that program forever and ever. Or as long as you can keep yourself from dunking that piece of shit in the trash.
I think both EphPod and Anapod should be able to update your iPod. But as soon as you want to start using iTunes again, you will have to reformat it. I haven't tested them though, as I cba to reformat my iPod everytime I wanna get some music from another comp than mine.
<3 apple for replacing drag and drop with some utter crap bloated programme like itunes for the simplest things :<
buy a zen :D
love my microphoto zen :))))
i've got some cheap chinese wnb-ipod stuff, works fine and plays video, and most importantly utilizes drag n drop :p my friend's zen delivers twice the sound power though :>
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