Coventry uni!

Just finished college course, got my uni interview tommorow at coventry for a place doing "3d Design"

Anybody else deciding to go uni?

Also have a good summer, enjoy the pussy, weather. weed. beer and parrttyyyyyy

<3 x
i lost my cola
going to Brown University in Providence, USA.

Got flight on 10th of July, to place my stuff in dorm ><

e: And gonna stay there for 3 weeks.. v57 US Servers @ HoN <3
u gotta have greencard or sthm to study there?

I guess you will be having trouble at the airport because your from turkey :D
nope you need to do have i20 student passport, and ive been to USA more than you have seen your own lil dick son.

now go back to your dumpster and continue living your poor life
why so offensive lol
He has lived a poor life in turkey and brings it up everywhere. :D
I think it is quite funny but also a bit outrageous that a turk (most immigrants in Germany are turks) is telling me to live on my poor life while his fellow countrymen have(had) to leave their homeland because of poorness :) And without us Europeans he wouldn't be studying in the states now anyway :P

Actually I even wanted to know some stuff about studying in us and a but he seems to be so cocky about his half made life that I wont bother about his shit anymore..

Hopefully he will get his mouth stuffed with original Afro-American dick and get some good ol' aids :))
He wont succeed with that attitude anyways.
He is a turk, what do you expect.. The majority of them define their standard of living with BMW's and gold chains.
Quite so :D:D
Awesome dude. I wanted to go to America to study too but really couldnt afford it :(

Good luck!
thanks :)

and sorry you couldnt make it :(
I'm gonna move there when I finish here :D Can't wait!!
Another immigrant, zzzOMG higher the fences and unleash a hurdle of REDNECKS !!
i am not going to live there so thats not being an immigrant u ignorant shit.

also, redneck from Brown University?
You immigrate there :D:D

You aint illegal immigrant but you will still be a immigrant. :D:D
rofl. for immigrants you gotta get a green card or a visa for staying,

i got a i20 visa which is for studying there for 4 years ONLY.

thats not being an immigrant. at least not in USA's counsulors. but ofc you know better becos this shit is like playing ET

+1 to your ignorance
immigrant is the person who didnt born in that country and immigrated there.

There's a difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigrants.

fucking stupid truk, dont expect much from you small dink wankers.
don't be so quickly offended lol, USA people will practise those jokes more with you like I just did then they do in Turkey ;) gl anyway with study and living there :P
I lived in Boston for a about 3 months under a "summer session" program, and never had to face those kind of jokes.

Anyways, thanks for the good wishes! :)

Yeah boi, coming to Cov! Wicked news if you get in! Starting 2nd year @ Cov in Sept :D
If i get in first ;)
Yeah good luck dude! Just be confident :D

Would be great to see you @ freshers!! :D :D
How did it go dude?
yeah went well mate, they will let me know in 2-3 weeks he said he was gona accept me on the spot its just my portfolio were all automotive designs and 3d design is more to do with misulanous or howeva the fuk u spell it

cheers though boi, seems decent there
University student for 4 years already, finishing my licentiate degree next year ^^
already applied for the university of zürich :)
about to finish this shit soon

starting with master in autumn
Already at UAS but does going on exchange count ?
if all goes well, going to sorbonne and oxford
What would you study in Sorbonne ? I'm a student there :p
European History :) What about you?
Geography ! so I'm not in the main Sorbonne building but in a special one dedicated for geography only :P
If you need any help regarding Paris or the way things work in the Sorbonne, just pm me !
Just finished and got my results today. Amazing 3 years, can't recommend it enough.
starting 2nd year @ sheffield next year, looking forard to it :D
Uni makes you forgot about real friends, fuck uni!
starting masters in september. Amazing 3 years and will be another awesome year. Housemate did 3D design and loved it. Made so much shizzle over the years.
cant wait mate if i actually get in! yeah if i do good then im sure i will ;)
went to uni for 5 years and failed at the last exam
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