progressions and shit

Week 1: 22% bodyfat
Week 5: 17.5% bodyfat

Didn't expect to get around 17% for another 4-6 weeks. It went so fast :S I lost the most fat after LAN, 1.2% in 1 week. GAMING&ALCOHOL = FAT REDUCTION?! To all those who think you can't loose fat and gain muscle, it is possible! :o)

What are ya goals fitness wise atm? Big shoutout to urtier, sickest progress ever, too bad I didn't meet you on lan :(

setting my goal to 10-12% for the next 2 months

sick tune

leaving to turkey in 2 days, 45 degrees celcius hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

image: 10yov7l

oh, and shoutout to all the sage peepz!
How did you measure the fat ratio?
harry potter scale thing and a clip thingy where you after to measure at 3 different places on your body
I see. Did you do a lot of cardio or just do a diet?
Both. Every day 1 hour of cardio except for the weekends and following a structured mealplan aswell
Nice, maybe I should lose 3-5% fat as well. My six-pack is barely visible atm (it is more like a small 2 pack :<) :(
I need to loose more fat for that to show :o) I'll just keep on going untill it shows! :P I know it's there but still too much fat around it ;)
Just continue and it will show sometime!
there's nothing wrong with a one pack
cardio aint shit.

you need to learn to lift weights and be a man.

be a man, do the right thing
doing cardio besides my normal workout routine, which is also about an hour, different muscle group every day
good stuff :D
Calipers I guess

Nice one ati :)
i think there are scales that can measure stuff like this
fuck, you know everything! sick trivia-mind.
nice track

no pics of the progress? :( what 'plan' did u follow?
Got my own trainingplan and mealplan, just made whats best for me :)

yeah, easily, look at me.

i dont have any goals, im fine with myself and too lazy to do anything
show pic

you always talk about how great you are with ur muscles but i have never ever seen a pic of you..
...or just a troll!
disappointed! should have posted cu@lan pic :)
140kg bench press - i feel such a super-talent I might be able to do it this year. I report back to you in 5,5 months.
Week 1 -> Week 5, don't know much about weight loss (lol) but sounds pretty decent to me. Good job.
10% bodyfat
12 % bodyfett..
omg...another weightjournal...
urtier lost weight or what?
like 80 kilos ';x
nice one,

didnt expect that from him tbh (n/o to his person)
nice, mss over een jaar of 2 ben ik daar ook wel ;p succes!
haha keep dreaming:P
once a fatty alway a fatty
started to go @ gym, getting muscles and loosing fat :d

inb4 mind's cu@lan pic
geen doner kebab meer voor jij
the fact that you lost the fat doesnt meen you gained muscle, god.

i love these people talking about muscles when they know nothing about bodybuilding nor body chemistry.

alcohol breaks down the water in your body in order to do detoxification, you probably lost your body water, which is unhealthy. those alcohols are going to be fat soon, if you really did drink that much.
Dont act so clever if you're going to tell ALCOHOl is gonna turn into fat ... :D
so I should say C and H of C2H5OH will turn into fat? k nerd will do next time... ":D"
Not sure what youre trying to say with that .. The way you explained the above doesnt make sense - its not the alcohol that will make you fat but its a result of the alcohol affecting the metabolism of protein and fat in the liver. The calories in the alcohol itself are of minor effect imo
True that, alcohol will make you lose weight/fat in theory. It's just that your body will take care of the alcohol first, everything you eat after you've consumed alcohol will just lay dorment in your stomach, eventually not fully digested and turned into fat.

Alcohol is the best weightloss ever, if you're able to manage not eating at all :)
but alcohol does infact increase testosterone breakdown
Depends on the calories he ate/drank/w/e.
Quotethe fact that you lost the fat doesnt meen you gained muscle, god.

orly? The magic harry potter scale told me I gained muscle and lost fat and can see the difference myself, I didn't drop intensity in my muscle routine either, being going harder and gaining every week.
technically you cannot lose weight and make muscle tissue at the same time, yarly. maybe the percentages changed but that doesnt mean there is a net increase in your muscle weight.
Mate, I can see the difference plus I'm increasing the intensity of my muscle workouts every week. All this 'You can't loose weight (fat) and gain muscle at the same time' is a myth. Ofcourse the muscle gain isn't huge, but it isn't decreasing and that was my main concern.
it does work in various cases such as
- being in the noobgain phase of weightlifting
- high protein and low carb diet such as the keto/paleo etc diet
- intermittent fasting
- steroids
usually alcohol and gaming does quite the opposite...

oh and ill just leave this here
loose fat and gain muscle at the same time

7% atm

goal = 8%

weak @ legs, triceps and forearms
this is what 7% bodyfat looks like
image: 7cbe4bd724deacb734b559509a9ad74e
gib mir die farbe und lass mich vor dem foto pumpen und das würde ein bischen ähnlich aussehen... der einzige unterschied ist, dass er mehr muskeln hat als ich.

ich hab das vor paar wochen beim arzt messen lassen
loose fat and gain muscle at the same time is called noob gains and u get that effect if u are not used to do any sports...and it wont last long...
Been doing sports since forever, fail comment :/
Hi there and thanks again :-P

I hope to finally break the 100 kg mark this month. Working on it for weeks and weeks now but this barrier doesn't wanna fall. And adding to that zerender almost made it to the same weight (got some little weight loss battle with him). Killing my psych :-D!
Is zerender overweight? :o
Congratulations to your weight loss btw
He was around 150 kg as well and is around the same weight as me now. He also made a journal about it some weeks ago.
May I ask what your weight was in the past?

e: 150kg?
176 kg. Just posted the progress in this journal a couple of hours ago
That is impressive. Keep up the good work
Well done :)
176?! You were alive with 176?! About me, it is the opposite. I can't get weight and it actually sucks. I'm skinny...
Eat more calories than you burn :) Some people, like me for instance, gain weight easily. I think it's a genetic thing, they call it a Endomorph or something >_>
Yeah but I only eat pizzas, fast food and co. I don't eat good things for the organism. By sample: I never drink water or the last time I ate fish I was 9.
yes i have had untreated hypothyroidism (ofc i cant blame it all on it) and am under medication since 2 years ago. begun with a serious diet and fitness about a half year ago :)
Good luck with your diet, though it seems you don't need it, right? :)
thanks! im quite optimistic ill achieve my goal in time :D
hey :) nice job on getting to 100 mate :) just keep going and push yourself to the limit and you'll make it! had the same at 105kg, gl with it! :)
nice m8! Thts rly great, keep doin' it!
benched 80 today, goal is to do 90 in 3 weeks :D:D:D/d/D
ik zou het iets rustiger aandoen, je kan het misschien wel maar tis niet goed voor je. je bent alleen maar aan het opppompen. ( of dat is wat je wilt weetik niet) ik ben ditjaar van 50 naar 95 gegaan in een heel jaar( na schouderblessure) maar ik zal de spiermassa voorlopig ook niet kwijt raken. kan nog steeds met gemak 8 tot 10x 95 kg drukken ook al heb ik nu ruim een maand vrij weinig gedaan ( alleen beetje pushups en situps usual shit bij opstaan) en gedronken:D
nice, maar hoeveel weeg je?

ik weeg er maar 70 :PPP neem wel protein shakes na training om wat bij te komen
Daar ga je niet van bij komen vriend :D
jawel, is zo mengeling van 50/50 whey protein en carbo weet ik veel wat :P
ik weeg nu 92.7 kg, vanmiddag gewogen. met 5% bodyfat ofzo net iestje minder
ben 1.89m lang
maar ik zou zeggen doe gwn nog 1 of 2 weekjes ( weetniet hoe vaak je traint) op de 80 zorgen dat je de setjes gewoon goed trekt. en ga daarna pas hoger:D
unless ur juicing i dont see how you can drink and build muscle at the same time :P
inb4 super saying "keep it up NAti_"
lose 6 more kg -> 5x5 -> stronger -> 3x3 -> stronger -> 1x1 -> 500kg hopefully
100 Kg 12%
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