huge sample libraries

got a question for those who produce music. why are these huge sample libraries so popular and what's the use of them? I mean, after all, you're not creating your own sounds, are just using someone else's work and then show it off to people like you've made it yourself.

Really I need to know this, cuz sooooo many producers are using tons of sample libraries, there must be real advantages to it. Just can't google it cuz then i only find tons of advertisements about sound libraries.

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haha samples alone dont make a track ;)
A song is more than just samples...
I personally use some samples just for Drumloops if they re more complicated than the basic ones but since every genre has characteristic drums its just saving time and effort to use them.

on the other hand there are lots of samples for noises (simple e.g. noise of an explosion or whatever)... those things would be kinda hard to record by urself and tbh, it doesnt make any difference anyways.

But yea if you use sample loops and stuff, which you just queue after each other, than youre prolly not really making ur own music at all :d
Haha I know a song is more than samples. Tbh exept for the basic drum sounds and some moviequotes I haven't used one sample yet. Loops are just not done. If you use loops in your songs might as well go fist yourself anally cuz that's as gay as it gets.

But ye, ur right, no need for reinventing the wheel, for sounds like explosions I understand that one might use sample packs.

Well, that's all I needed to know man. Guess Imma just get myself a fieldrecorder and make all my sounds on my own, cuz I like inventing wheels n stuff.
such a thing can be quite expensive.
well im not too lazy to work for it, u've got any recommendations?
at my mate's ive seen a small handheld device from sony once.
cant rly recall but that was supposed to be quite good.
dat gif.
You're work better be damn successful to be worth the work of creating everything yourself.
tbh out of all things I've tried so far (electronical) music production is one of the most fun things. Even if only for personal use, I can see myself doing this for hours, weeks, days, months, years NP!
Sure it's fun. However, producers that are not doing it as a hobby need to make money and if you want to get popular you'll need to get tracks out regularly. Creating your own sound samples is just way to much work for it to pay off, most of the time.

But if you're doing it as a hobby you might as well use self-made samples for the biggest part, it's going to add a fair amount of originality to your work and you'll probably be far more proud of it.
ye completely agree with you mate. haven't got any ambitions to go big with this (after all I'm not a club figure and I know shite about electronical music), I just enjoy producing for myself :>
I think your definition of what a sample is differs from what it actually is. You made a statement earlier saying "Tbh exept for the basic drum sounds and some moviequotes I haven't used one sample yet".

If you've made electronic music productions and used synthesizer equipment etc then I can tell you you've used a lot more samples than you may think you did.

A sample is nothing else but a recording of a sound. Nothing more, nothing less. That sound can be anything. One note of a piano or a violin or a bassguitar, or a vocal of a guy cheering "ah yeah!" or a basedrum, snaredrum, hihat or a complete loop of a beat.

That's all a sample is. A sound-recording. With these recordings you form your set of instruments to compose your music with.

These sample libraries come in all kinds of forms. One library may just be focused on vocals, others on drum sounds, others on drumloops, others on all kinds of special effects, others on just single notes of instruments and others may just be a mix of all kinds of samples. All depends on the library itself.
ur great man, thx. indeed I was a bit confused over the term sample.
well, have to learn everything once eh :P
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