Small movies

Hi guys,

I really don't know much about moviemaking and stuff, so my question to you guys is:

How can you make a little ET movie (not a fragmovie of 10/15 mins) with sound, just like those small clips from perfo etc?

The only way I know to do this is by pressing F5 to start and F1 to stop in game and add the screenshots to a program called pjbmp2avi...

So, I just wanna make some short clips of myself and others, good quality, inclusive ingame sounds.

Thnx in advance
1. you need movie cfg
2. write in console cl_avidemo xx (for example 30,200,300,...)
3. open in virtualdub and compress it
4. write in console wav_record to record sound
5. put both things in vegas, and render it
6. encode it

no further comments

1. isnt necessary
bind space "vstr record1"

set record1 "bind space vstr record2; cl_avidemo 200; wav_record"

set record2 "bind space vstr record1;cl_avidemo 0;wav_stoprecord "
not rly, if u record both at the same time, the sound will be slow, just as when u record =) so its better to record separately
thats how i do it, but i got 10ghz dualcore so no slow.
or just use fraps.
capture it then use virtual dub to encode it in x264 or xvid.
pls don't make a movie then xD
i need a guid for vegas edditing, everyting before that is simple but i cant understand how to work with vegas:(
LOL learn yoursefl... 10 h and you will understand...just click on every shit you see. : D
already tried it still cant
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