adze's morning journal.


I woke up at 10am and I have to go to work in 20minutes, I made my food, took a shower and just dressed up. I'll get back around midnight. It's neither cold nor warm outside so I think it's gonna be a great day for me. My mate willing to step by so I'll talk to him the whole time, hope the time will elapse faster this way. Last night I was out with 5 of my friends and we confirmed the details of our holiday at Hungary Siófok. We are leaving on Sunday 5am with BMWs and stuff! It's gonna be atleast 5 times better than it was last year! Altho the weather doesn't look that good!

What are you going to do today and stuff?

INB4 schnee: xoxo girl! WE ARE ADDICTED

Have a nice day!
I am off now!
I ordered a new headset, but I didn't wake up on time, because I got holidays. Now I need to get the headset at the postoffice. Rawr im mad
Passed my drivers license yesterday, so gonna be rollin thru ma hood all day long, and at 13:00 I gotta go to work :/ Weather is awesome compared to the last days, 19°c atm and sun shining bit :>
dont you need to wait for like 5 days till you really have your drivers license when you passed the test? atleast in NL you have to..
you can pay some extra moneys to get it straight away in NL :)
yeah true but thats just retarded:D paying 50euros extra just to get it like 3 days earlier
no, not in germany..
chilling, eating candy for a looooooong long time, got a new job, gunna play LoL
Currently in zagreb after traveling through hungary pretty much all of yesterday. Some of hungary puts me on edge a lot though, dude. Communism echos in the rural areas.
have u already met with my witty girly ebuddy Croatiadanl?
been in slovenia yet?
I have my fathers motorbike all to myself for this week so gonna go driving today

Also going to gym, military bench press + narrow grip bench press & some bodybuilding hypertrophy shit stuff

Of course going to play some Killing Floor, only played it for 60 hours past 2 weeks
going to the beach with 2 friends.
enjoying the holidays from the army!
and next thursday im resigning finally !
I'm in Croatia, met a guy from hungary last night, friendly man.. we agreed that sambuca is some kind of devil. Then I had to carry him home, offcourse I laughed my ass off for the first half hour because he couldn't stand on his feet :D

Going home @ Saturday.. don't want to, I like it here :D
where in croatia?
Island Brac - Bol
Did you bum him?
Bum like 'push' or bum like 'assfuck' ?
If you ment the first one, yes I did all the time & couldn't stop laughing (was carefull tho)
If you ment the second one, something is very wrong with you.
Quote bum like 'assfuck' ?
If you ment the first one, yes I did all the time & couldn't stop laughing (was carefull tho)

mm both rationally & logically there is something wrong with you :O
Why would you ever mention that you go with BMWs?

Are you really that wannabee rapper or gangsta :D:D`?

I bet you have millions of gold chains too :D:D
u got it all wrong. u thought it's this bmw:

image: 2011-BMW-M5-4

but in fact it's this one :D:

image: BMW-s-325i-001
Then it would be the other way around. In your logic he is still a douchebag :D
u said that :D I speak only good about my awesome neighbor gardener ;)
Would love to have the one below in M3. Finally a car where you could drift with.
because I feel like a gangsta when I tell it to someone
hey fag :D
been awake since 8:00 am. went to the pub, read the newspapers, exercised, now playing some et and going to sell peaches in an hour. the weather is fine more or less, only the temperature is a bit low which is awesome. bai
got my bowl, had my cereal. Thats it
Making my new intro for my trickjump movie :D
Just woke up and took a shower. I'm thinking about what I should eat for breakfast, after my breakfast -> gym.
I want schnee's journals. Not yours, big head.
woke up at around 10, went to the gym, now i'll cook some food and then i'm going play some FIFA11 or some ET ... dunno yet.
usually i dont sleep the whole day but good morning :x

you just woke up when posted that comment?
that's hardcore :D You went to party yesterday? or just a lazy late sleep?

I had an easy night yesterday, stayed till 2, went to bed & stood up @ 8 to go to the beach :=) It's really hot here in Croatia so that's nice, altho i'm overheated now :Dd
lazy sleep!!

here its raining :(
I do that a lot, the 'lazy' sleep.. just staying in bed all day :D
Falling a sleep, waking up again, sleeping again.. listening music, doing nothing basically :D

In Belgium it's raining too, saturday I have to go back :'(
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