GMail invites

If someone of you need's a free E-Mail from GMail please feel free to PM me on XF.

I got a total of 200 invites left and realy wan't to share this great service with you.

Info's can be found here: GMail
old plz -,-
what's so good about a GMail?
Nothing much anymore
its very fast and easy in use, also got much space, nP
Gmail for free HDD xD

Mount m on ur linux for more space imo :)
LoL so if u mount like 2000 of them :DDDDDDDD GOD FREEDOM
I know you're all trying to be hilarious in your comments, but gmail really is a brilliant service in comparisson to other web based emails.
BEST JOKE EVER, you win hands down toss!
Brilliant? They scan your emails in order to send you more accurate spam, I would rather call that spying.
I totaly agree with you Tosspot, GMail is a brillian service!
i have googlemail :o if anybody wants invite there pm me :D
or is Gmail = GoogleMail? i am a nUUUUUUUUUb
It's the same. ;-)

GMail in Germany is called as GoogleMail, because of some name issues with a other trademark.
i can share about 30 with you
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