Firefox 6.0 help

aloha kreuzfeuer,

so i was wondering if anybody could help me out with the following:

like 1 week ago i have updated my firefox to the 6.0 verison. sometimes if i want to download a file a new tab is opening with some weirds signs. i had it allready here on crossfire as i wanted to download the pirates.pk3 file in kevlars post he did a few days before and i have the same problem with downloading the nnscript on their page.

is there anything in the options that i have missed? i'be googled allready but couldnt find any proper info.


image: sq7ssw96

thanks in advance.
just right click on the link and do save link as.
right click -> save as
well if i do that i can only save it as text file
no it'll say it's a text document but you can still use it like normal once its downloaded.
nope, downloaded it and now i have a text document called "nnscript.exe" but its just a text document with the same shit signs in it :S
pfff worked for me yesterday. just use chrome or some other browser to download the file.
image: YHdAW
Change the type to "All files" and replace the file extension with .pk3 or .exe or whatever it is supposed to be.
oh great, working now. thanks :)
And turn off to hide extensions for known file types so you can actually see that it was simply named nnscript.exe.txt and all you had to do was rename the file by removing .txt from it.
as rambo said xD
ctrl + S
i think you have firefox associated with .pk3-s, change it to winrar or smtn
Go to Options -> Applications and make sure you have .pk3 (or Compressed folder) set to "Always ask".

Alternatively, ctrl-S or File - Save as.
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