Firefox cookies

i got like 20 different names in that box where i write the login name in , how i can delete cookies in firefox? Would be nice if you could help me, thx!

example : i got on differnet sites , CB , ESL , CF and tourney the names like p4t , leask , my email and so on ... if i double click on login thing i see all my names from other pages, thats what i want to clear/delete... that there is no name of anything
just mouse over it and press delete
but where , i cant find it .. :-(
double click in the login field, the list should appear with the login names, mouse over the one you want to delete and press delete.
doesnt work here :-(
look at Goldfish reply then, should work then
in the settings u can set up what firefox should delete if u close firefox.
options -> security -> saved passwords

np wannabe catman
the key "Delete" on your keyboard?
ccleaner uncheck all boxes except firefox
worked ^^ thx! :D

all the others who posted , thy!!!
;) np easiest fix :D just few clicks
looks like urinal cakes :F
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