windows 7 mouse hz

hi how change my hz? :D

windows 7 and mx518 thx
in my profile
google > windows 7 500Hz > first result
lol:/ say not work :( idk why
The problem probably comes from that you can't overclock your mouse if setpoint is installed. And if you uninstall Setpoint, the computer will not recognize the mouse as a Logitech MX518 Optical mouse but as the standard HID mouse : therefore, the overclocking has no effect... Any idea ?
My setpoint has the option for change MHZ :O
What ? :D
Is it on an MX518 ?
i have a g7 atm because my mx died 3months ago, but i had the same also with only MX plugged (just i couldnt set a different DPI on X and Y)

image: setpoint
Damn it I doubt I have that in my setpoint :/ but I'll still check it tomorrow thx for the help gnight xx
works only for newer mice, not for MX.

works for G5 also, get that one :) feels like a MX 518 :)
ummmm, I haven't used an mx518 for a very long time, but I don't think you do get these drivers for them. Only the one dpi option and lesser settings I thought :o
Setpoint for mx518 doesn't have the hz changer. And u can tweak your mx518 to 500hz with or without the setpoint installed...

You should follow this guide

01. Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider
02. Download and Extract HIDUSBF to that folder.
03. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider(DSEO) and choose Enable Test
04. Reboot
05. Run DSEO Sign the Hidusbf.INF before you install it. Maybe necessary to do
this with all versions of the Hidusb.sys in the patch.
06. Right click on HIDUSBF.inf and choose Install.(INF file extension must be
windows default. This is a common problem easy fix with reg file.)
07. Run Setup.exe from HIDUSBF’s folder, check the Filter on Device box and
select your desired sample rate click install service wait then click
08. Run mouserater and check polling rate.
09. Run DSEO, choose Sign a System file and insert full path to the installed
HIDUSBF.sys file (For example: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HIDUSBF.sys).
10. Restart your computer and enjoy.
11. If you would like to remove the test mode watermark, run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider and choose Watermark remover

PS: Carefull on step #5, if your OS is 64 bit select the "usbport.sys" in the AMD64 folder
thanks, worked fine for meh
buy G400
Windows7 sucks, uninstall it asap.
I'm issuing the same problem tell me if you find the solution :p
it has already been posted, check cf, posted by froxe
He deleted his journal..
Check my reply to Belgium skyz please because I think the problem comes from here, do you remember how you fixed it ?
replyed above... check it out...

and if the problem is the mouse freezing after reboot...

...this program will fix it:
hidusb.sys danke
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